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Salvador Felip Jacint Dali

By:   •  Essay  •  261 Words  •  January 30, 2010  •  827 Views

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Salvador Felip Jacint Dali Domenech was an important Catalan painter, best know for his surrealist works. His art shows a dream world in which normal objects are transformed in bizarre and irrational fashion. Dalн portrayed these objects in precise, realistic detail and usually placed them within bleak, sunlit landscapes(VirtualDali, Google). Dali’s political stance was the source of much controversy. Early on he affiliated himself with the surrealist movement in Paris, a group that interpreted their art or literature from the processes of the unconscious mind. Later in life, Dali grew to appreciate the naturalistic sense of the Renaissance era embracing the simplicities of its art. Salvador Dali is considered the greatest artist of the surrealist art movement and one of the greatest masters of art of the twentieth century.

Born into a middle-class family, Dali studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Madrid, where he mastered academic techniques. Dalн already drew attention as an eccentric, wearing clothes and trends

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