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By:   •  Essay  •  299 Words  •  January 19, 2010  •  884 Views

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Over the past centuries, cars had become one of the most useful machines in the world. The first car was invented in France by Nicolas Cugnot in 1769, and it was three wheeled and powered by steam. Since that date a lot of car companies are manufacturing cars and exporting them all around the world. For instance three of these huge and popular car companies are Maserati, Ford, and Iran khodro.

Maserati is the manufacturer of to kinds of cars sport cars and racing cars. They manufactured their first car in Bologna, Italy in December, 1, 1914. After having been a part of Ferrari for some years, today Maserati is owned directly by the Italian car giant Fiat. Maserati is a luxury car manufacturer and it competes directly with Aston Martin and Jaguar and sometimes with large German mass-producers, such as Audi, Mercedes-Benz and BMW.

Ford Motor Company is an American international firm and the world's third automaker after General Motors and Toyota, in global automobile sales. The automaker was originated

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