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Organizational Behavior: Personal Position and Application

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Organizational Behavior: Personal Position and Application

Julia Perry

University of the Incarnate Word

MGT 4355 Organizational Behavior

Professor Jill Stanislawski


        The purpose of this paper is to confer different aspects of organizational behavior. I will discuss what organizational behavior (OB) means, along with characteristics of OB, and emerging issues. This paper will also include my personal conclusion in regard to organizational behavior and how the learned aspects might be used in the “real-world.” First an understanding of what is organizational behavior and what all organizational behavior entails.         

Part One

What is organization behavior?

        Specifically, “organizational behavior (OB) is defined as the systematic study and application of knowledge about how individuals and groups act within the organizations where they work” (Organizational Behavior, 2017, p. 16). In organizational behavior three aspects are studied. First, the individual, such as wanting to understand a person’s personality. Second, the group, understanding how people interacts within a group setting and third, the organization. This is the study of how the culture of an organization can affect the group and the individual.

        But understanding the internal workings is the only thing that organization behavior focuses on. Understanding how an organization fits into the world market is also analyzed. For instance, “a hospital may need to address multiple issues internally, such as leadership, employee hierarchy, communication, staff diversity, group dynamics, conflict management, team building, negotiation models and more. But it also needs to understand where that healthcare facility fits into the broader industry” (Emma, 2018). Yet, “the best companies in the world understand that the people make the place” (Organizational Behavior, 2017, p. 18) and understanding how everything and everyone interacts is what makes companies successful.

Issues in the study of organization behavior.

        There are several emerging issues within the study of organizational behavior. One of those issues are ethical challenges. With all the corporate scandals in the news it is important for companies to have policies that “facilitate ethical behavior within the workplace” (Wicks, 2018). The personal interests of employees are a given, and leaders need to make sure that individual interests don’t override those of the group or organization.

        Technology is another emerging issue in organizational behavior. As our society becomes more “plugged-in” we become more disconnected personally with our fellow officemates. Emails are replacing sit-down conversations and telecommuting is removing large portions of the workforce from the office. All this “disconnection” changes how people interact and can change the dynamics of the workplace, this change in dynamics can affect the organizational behaviors.

        Additionally, globalization is affecting the study of organizational behaviors by adding a diversity into a company that wasn’t previously there. Managers of a corporation deep in the American Mid-west will have adjustments to make in how they interact when that company go global, adding offices in other countries. The difference in cultural backgrounds will call for an adjustment in the organizational behavior.

        A final issue within the understanding of organizational behavior I want to address is the lack of employee engagement. “Studies suggest that fostering engagement, a concept related to passion, in employees has a significant impact on the corporate bottom line” (Organizational Behavior, 2017, p. 33). Having and maintaining employee engagement can lead to increased job satisfaction, customer loyalty, lower turnover and increased profits.

Part Two

Personal conclusions on organizational behavior.

        A great deal of knowledge and ideas were gained by me over the length of this course. I began to understand that in order for an organization to be successful, its leaders need to have an understanding of organizational behavior. Just as psychologist need to understand human behaviors to be effective in their jobs so must mangers, team leaders and CEOs. Understanding concepts of motivation, group dynamics and understanding and managing stress are all aspects of studying organizational behavior.

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