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Does Happiness Determine Success?

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Around the world the feeling of happiness is visible, from the faces of children, to the excitement of a sports team winning. Though many feelings and circumstances may supply to the human feeling of happiness, there are ones that contribute more than others. Various events and feelings can trigger happiness however, freedom and success contribute the most.

The Declaration of Independence (1776) is an exact of example of which depicts the contentment of the people. In the time of British oversight of the 13 colonies, most colonists solely wished to become independent of another nation. Many colonials were upset over repeated incidents that lead to the creation of this document. “Taxation without Representation”, the main purpose of the revolution, tax acts instilled by Britain in order to reduce war debt from the 7 Years war, only added fuel to the flame of colonial animosity toward the English. Various tax acts and altercations between the two insured the sorrow of the colonists. Being one of the most influential documents ever written, does excellent in illustrating the ways the colonists wished to become independent. The introduction of the declaration states the idea of natural human rights, the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The 27 grievances, later in the document, are targeted indirectly at English rule, serving for an example for other nations who wished to become independent.

The direct correlation between happiness and success is astonishing. According to Shawn Achor, his TED talk asserts the way that a happy mindset affects the brain. Happiness increases productivity by 31%, and accuracy of assignments by 19%, through decades of research. His “happiness mindset” is defined by those who are advanced in traits such as optimism and intelligence. Those who are successful are seemingly happy, such as athletes actors, and celebrities,

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