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Financial Aid Paper

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The Financial Aid office is a place of its own. Different from other offices and has its own type of vibe. Its a place of patients, bland colors, impatient people and mono-toned employees that wanna leave the office as bad as you. None the less they are still very productive and help you with a lot of aid that you may be having trouble in, give you advice on how to get more aid, and you can get one on one time with a more qualified financial aid officer. It is a very productive but slow process at the aid office due to so many people needing help.

Have you been in a doctor offices and theres this long line ahead of you to see the doctor, so a 15 minute appointment will be 1 hour of waiting. Well this is the financial aid office. There is usually always a line in the office. This is because each person has their own files that the aid needs to pull up on the computer that always takes a few minutes to pull up. But usually the after they pull it up it goes by quick. It will be a test of patience and you're ability to go there more than once because it will be a pain staking series of journeys to the financial aid office. Usually will also be sent home with a bunch of paper work you need to fill out every single year.

But if the officer at the front cant help you you will be sent to see a higher financial aid officer for better aid on what to do. They reside in the back of the office almost like they live there and never leave. But, you will only see them if its a more in depth look at your file. They usually look in to your tax information and more personal information that you wouldn't just want anyone to see with out proper authorization. They can also help you figure out the exact amount of aid that you be receiving for the

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