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My Personal Statement - Career in Counselling

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Personal statement

by Karen lowe

I have recently completed Counselling Skills Certificate L-2 and would love to be given the opportunity to study person centered Counselling on a deeper level at Edge Hill University as this is the area of therapy I'm most interested in. I have been informed by Edge Hill University that I have relevant qualifications to be able to do this course. I'm eager and ready to continue with my studies and further my education. The Psychotherapy aspect of the Degree fascinates me especially how when once applied it can help a client overcome a wide scope of concerns. To have the opportunity to experience supervision is something that I was not able to benefit from in any of my Counselling courses. I understand that supervision is an integral part of Counselling and Psychotherapy in the UK as to substantiate effective, safe care of clients. The research element of the Degree is of interest to me as I hope to gain a deeper understanding of the nations current Mental Heath issues which have the potential to affect us all. Will Health Minister Jackie Doyle's hint to members of parliament fall on deaf ears as far as her hopes that General Practitioners will conduct six-weeks checks on the Mental Health of new mum's and back their move In the future like the N.C.T charity have ?. What difference has the new B.A.C.P Ethical Framework implementation made to the Counselling Profession since its completion on 1 July 2018 ?. And the new significant changes to the Mental Health Act which will be brought in following an increase of people with serious Mental illness suffering neglect and discrimination while they had been detained for treatment.How will this impact on the N.H.S ? In the future I hope to become a qualified Counselor and Psychotherapist to enable a person to develop towards their full potential through a person centered approach which harnesses the clients natural self healing process.

As far back as I can remember I have had a strong desire to want to help others and support/assist them with problems,challenges that life can sometimes bring to them.I find others feel comfortable and at ease in my company,I have been told I'm open,honest and have the ability to listen and give a person the freedom to converse when I engage with that person. Psychotherapy has always fascinated me and I'm eager to learn more about this discipline of therapy and understand the reasons why and how it is used to help the client to overcome a wide scope of concerns if and when they feel they may need intervention in this area of therapy.

I'm Passionate about the subject and hope to make a career from being a therapist. Being a mature single mother of a daughter 21 and a son of 23 who has a learning disability. A background in entertainment (gaining -National Diploma L-3 Drama /L.a.m.d.a- Gold Medal for (Acting)Working in plain cloths security for a well known department store and Carer for my son for the past several years, I have developed many transferable skills including the ability to work within unpredictable circumstances being in a position of trust and being able to relate to people from all walks of life,I can remain calm in difficult challenging delicate,sensitive of situations and support others at the same time,problem solve,provide emotional support,be empathetic and demonstrate compassion. I have managed to develop additional knowledge based in Education subject areas: Mental Health,Sociology,Psychology, Mentoring,Treating Generalized Anxiety.Attended Two Personal Development Courses.The Women's Organisation 2017 -Be A More Confident You. Personal Coaching -Self Empowerment-Involve Northwest- 2016. Level 2 Award In Introduction to Counselling Skills L-2 and recently Counselling

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