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Should Internet Be Used by Childern

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Internet Use by children should be censored

        Yes, I believe that the internet should be censored when children are using the internet. The internet is a power source of media and you can find just about anything on there. The internet can be very harmful to some and to others it may not be. When the parents what and control what their children watch and see on the internet that’ll leave less worries on the parents because they set the computer to what they want their kids to see. They’re many reasons parents can censored the internet, they can avoid their children seeing child pornography, and they can avoid their children from meeting predatory pedophiles.

        First, yes the internet should be censored when in the use of children’s while they use the computer. Parents have every right to block what their children see on the internet as they use the computer. Now and days we start to see more and more cases on child pornography and that’s sad because we have little kids out here using the internet who sees things like that. By a parent blocking that or censoring it they’ll have less worries about their child watching or seeing things like that on the internet. The more a parent can do to lessen the things their child see on the internet the better it is on both the parent and child.

        Second, yes the internet should be censored when in the use of children because it could avoid them meeting pedophiles. The world we live in today is very sicken because we have some many mens preying and looking out for young little kids. Many pedophiles live behind the screen of a computer waiting to seek out vulnerable little children on the internet. Its crazy to know that someone has that kind of time on their hands to prey on innocent children like that its very sicken. Parents are doing everything they can to keep their children from being harm by the internet.

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