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The Babysitter

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Julia Fiorillo

Ms. Gentile-Guy

Grade 9 Honors English, Period 4

January 21, 2015

The Babysitter

        Sometimes curiosity can put someone in some really terrible situations. Hello, I am Elise Brown. The story I am about to tell is about the day my life completely spiraled into an insane mess. I would have never expected something like this to happen to a woman like me, but crazy things happen everyday at the most unexpected moments.


  “Elise, It’s time to wake up sweetie. Ian Humphrey called he needs you to babysit the kids, while he and his wife are at work!” yelled out Mrs. Brown, Elise’s mother.

        Ugh, I thought to myself. Another boring day in Santa Barbra spent babysitting these bratty kids. When will these people get a clue that I am an eighteen-year-old girl, with a life, and cannot spend every waking moment watching their children.

        “Alright mom I’ll be right down, just let me get ready,” I called out from my bedroom.

        While I was getting dressed, I put on the new tank top my mom bought me from the store last week. I then recalled Mr. Humphrey reprimanding me three days ago, saying my clothes were too “revealing” and “inappropriate” for his kids’ eyes… whatever that means. So, I changed into a t-shirt.

        “Good morning Mom,” I forced a smile at her.

        Mom and I have not been getting along lately. She wants me to get a real job and get my life on track instead of making money watching, what she calls, little rascals.

        “I am going to drop you off at the Humphrey’s house now Elise, they need you there all day. One thing I just can’t understand is why you keep going back there? Ian treats you like he owns you, and frankly I think he is pretty creepy,” Mrs. Brown told Elise.

        “Mom he is a nice man and I don’t mind, I make good money. Seventeen dollars an hour for watching three kids? Who would turn that down?” I replied to her.

        I quickly grabbed my protein shake and went to the car. Although the Humphreys only live ten houses away, my mom always insisted on driving me there. Once we arrived I kissed my mom goodbye and walked inside.

        “Hello Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey, hi kids, how was everyone’s morning?” I asked.

        “Just great Elise. Thank you so much for watching the kids again. Mr. Humphrey and I will be home around six. Ready to go love?” said Mrs. Humphrey.

        It is odd. Mr. Humphrey never answers his wife right away. I always have a feeling he is just looking at me. I am probably acting crazy.

        “Ian, did you hear me?” questioned Mrs. Humphrey.

        “Yes dear, I am sorry I was a little distracted,” explained Mr. Humphrey.


        Once Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey left, I made an early lunch for the kids and put them down for their naps.  Next up, do the chores. Personally, I think I should be getting paid much more than I do, especially since I am practically a maid for this spoiled family. I started with cleaning the entire downstairs and doing the laundry. Next I went down to the basement to put all the toys away. The Humphrey’s basement was a complete mess! But, it had the necessary amenities with a bathroom, office, and guest room. The office was Mr. Humphrey’s, and every time I walk by it, it gives me chills up my spine. I honestly don’t know why either. Maybe because he forbids anyone to go in there, even his wife. I am so curious as to what he may have in that office, but I would not want to take the chance of getting caught… oh well.

        As I was getting ready to clean the upstairs, the kids woke up from their naps. I will never understand how it took me two and a half hours to only clean two floors and I still had the whole upstairs to do. Kill me now.

        “Elise,” Jimmy the youngest of the three sons cried out, “I am bored, can you put a movie on for me?”

        “Of course Jimmy,” I assured, “Go get your brothers and tell them to come watch it with you, I still have to clean upstairs.”

        “Alright!! Michael, Jet, come downstairs and watch Monster’s Inc. with me!” he yelled out.

        After I put the movie on for the boys, I started to clean the upstairs. I got through everything except putting Mr. Humphrey’s clothes in his drawers. For a guy he had a great sense of style. Mr. Humphrey always asked me for advice on what looked good and what didn’t. It is a little odd that he asks an eighteen year old but I like giving him some flair. I know he hates when I organize his sock compartment but it is so messy! I couldn’t resist. As I was sorting through it I came upon a picture. I brushed off all the dust and realized it was a picture of…me!! Now that really freaked me out but there had to be an explanation for it, I guess. My mom probably gave him my school picture and by accident he dropped it there with the socks, no big deal.

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