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The Law or Not the Law? Ballot Issue Editorial

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Law or Not the law?

The law, a subject most try to avoid, whether they did anything or not. People change laws to help the economy and businesses. Some laws help and some, Don’t always measure up to the expectations. One law that the United States has is about ,medical malpractice. It states that if a doctor is found guilty of medical malpractice then the victim and their family can sue for any number of awards that they want. The other part is that the lawyer can charge the victim whatever they want from the awards received.

The government is proposing a new law that states that a victim can sue the doctor but it can only be within the cap which is $250,000 or more. It also states that the lawyer can’t take any more than ⅓ of any awards received. There is a good to this bad but, is it worth it? A person loses a limb or even a life. I vote we veto this law because it puts a price on a limb or even a life if the doctor messed up really bad.

This new law cuts the lawyers fees but puts a price tag on something that is fundamental to survival to most people. This law would be practically defying fundamental rights and/or actions that most take for granted. This law establishes a maximum dollar amount of a part of a person like they were a piece of furniture.

The law as it is now isn’t perfect. Hey!! Take what you can get huh?!?! But it does the job just fine. If you vote yes this law will replace the old one and we will not be able to change it EVER!!! If people vote no to this amendment

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