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Team Dynamics

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Team Dynamics Research Paper: Teams in the Work Place

Many people may prefer to work by themselves. Others may like to

work in group or team to take the load off a single individual. In a work environment, it can go

either way. Today I will focus on the advantages and disadvantages of working as a team in

the work place.

In every team, the manager plays a very important role. The manager

must try to organize an effective team. In effective teams we look for synergy. Synergy makes a

good team, a better team.


In a workplace, team work can be used to everyone’s advantage. Teams are

made up of different people with different personalities. Therefore a team should use the

differential knowledge of team members to its advantage.

Team members should not be scared to voice their opinions. Everyone should be

willing to listen to the next person even if they disagree with the other member. Everyone

should be able to share their knowledge and make suggestions in the team. One can not

work as a team if one can not respect another’s opinion. The old saying goes, “there’s no I in


When a group is formed, there must be commitment within this group or team.

Each and every person within this team has to commit one hundred percent to make the

project effective. Even when times get hard, one should never give up on himself or his team.

There is a bonding written or verbal commitment there. A commitment was made to finish the

project together.

One is never alone in a team. This is the intent reason the group was formed. The

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