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Animal Cruelty

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 Animal Cruelty

When I think about the people in this world, and the kind of people in this world that we surround ourselves with, I have come to the conclusion that not everyone is a good person. A good person can mean a lot of things, but I feel that there are just some people in the world that are really evil and have no good in their heart. All of my life I have been very passionate about animals and they have always been a big part of my life. I’ve always owned some sort of pet within the family whether it be a dog, hamster, fish I have always felt the need to care for something other than myself and animals are the most loving creatures to walk the earth. As a human race we need to raise awareness about the different types of animal cruelty in the world.

Animals are very kind beings and as I’ve gotten older I realize that animal abuse has been very relevant in our lifetime. Some people do not realize it, but animal abuse happens everyday. Think about the meat you are eating on a daily basis and how that meat got to you. Do not get me wrong not every meat factory is subject to animal abuse, but there are plenty of places that are known to really hurt animals in order to feed the people in this world. There has been footage of factories actually brutally killing innocent cows, chickens and pigs like the videos found on various websites like,

It is completely wrong to kill and harm animals while they are still alive and can feel everything you are doing to them. This is where I feel evil people come into play, brutally killing an animal that is feeding you and our family is something I can not seem to wrap my head around. There is no reason to kill in such a hateful way towards innocent animals. I believe that there can be a different way to go about killing the animals rather than harming them on purpose. An undercover animal activist quoted “I’ve seen guys punch cows, stick cattle prods in their eyes, bragging, ‘I got her in the eyeball!” (Rolling Stones Article). This just proves that the people working in these factories have no heart.

Animals have given us so much in life, and honestly where would we be without them? Animal abuse is not an excuse for anything. I feel so strongly about animals abuse because I’ve have seen so many videos on animal abuse, and it is something that more people need to see and there should be a bigger effort to get word out about animal abuse to more people around the world who are unaware of it. I feel like animals have a bigger purpose in life than most people do. To me, there is no other side to argue against when talking about animals abuse just because of the extent animal abuse can go to.

Along with the topic on factories, another form of animal abuse are puppy mills. I feel that in general people are just very uneducated when it comes to learning about puppy mills and even knowing that these do exist in the United States. A puppy mill, is a breeding location where people breed dogs over and over again to sell puppies to places like your local mall or pet store. The thing about these puppy mills though, is that they are in horrible conditions and leave the puppies very sick and not healthy enough to be put up for sale, but they get put up anyway. We have all seen the puppies in the pet stores, stuck in those tiny boxes with paper and maybe a toy or two. To me that itself is animal abuse because no puppy should have to be locked behind a glass window all day long with no human interaction. I can’t even walk into a pet store without immediately getting sad and feeling bad for the puppies.

Adopting from your local shelter is the better way to go for you and the puppies in the pet stores and puppy mills. Not buying from the pet store will force the owners of puppy mills to stop breeding if no one buys the puppies because they will stop making money. This is a simple solution to a very important issue, more people need to be informed about the way these animals are being treating in such conditions and how that may affect your own life. Puppy mills may not seem like that big of a deal and yes, we are still talking about animal abuse. Animal abuse is not a light topic and this should be taken very seriously. Although, we think zoos are a fun attraction for the kids and for adults, but some people don’t realize that zoos can be a form of animals abuse as well. Animals should be free and in their wild habitats, like lions, elephants, giraffes, etc. These are all animals that should be free to run wild, not caged for the rest of their lives living behind a piece of glass. It is a known fact that animals actually can go crazy for the duration of time that they are in zoos. These are actual facts and I have seen video footage of animals that have depression and go crazy because of the lack of interaction they have with their wild instincts. There is a story on a 29 year old polar bear living in Argentina named Arturo, he has been captive in the zoo for 21 years and stays alone in an enclosure in the zoo that does not fit his needs as a polar bear. The climate is too high and is not cool enough for him to stay but they keep in there anyway. His only companion that was also a polar bear died in 2012 from cancer.

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