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Cogs 15 Final Paper: Language Taboo

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Zhang Yutong


Cogs 15 Final Paper


Taboo language is words and phrases that are generally defined as inappropriate and unacceptable by society. Today, offensive language has been used in programs more often since the popularization of broadcast media. In order to prevent children from exposing to the television program that contains harmful materials, parents can install the violence chip in their televisions. The V-chip technology allows parents or other caregivers to block programming on their televisions that they don't want children to watch.

The movie “South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut” is largely concerned with the issue of censorship and freedom of speech. In the movie, Stan, Kenny, Kyle and Eric went to see the new film “Terrance and Phillip: Asses of Fire”. From that movie, the boys learn many obscene words and phrases from the movie, such as “uncle fucka”. And the children in town start to use taboo language in their daily lives. In order to restrict the usage of inappropriate language, Cartman is forcibly implanted with a V-Chip. The V-chip gives Cartman an electric shock every time he swears. The machinery of the 'V-chip' in the movie is similar to that of the V- chip that was created to prevent children from watching certain shows on television. The chip is placed just under the subject's skin, where it emits a small but painful shock of electricity whenever the person says an obscene word. The movie inspires people. In our real life, v-chip could be used as a way to prevent people from saying indecent language. Since Broca’s area is responsible for the production of language, the real-life v-chip might target on that certain part of the brain. The function of the v-chip is just like a lie detector. When people begin produce taboo language in their Broca’s area, the neuron of that area will receive the signal, and generate an impulse in their brain. Neuron transmitters will transport that information to the v-chip. After the chip receives the impulse, it will transfer the information to the main computer, which is located in the research center of real-life v-chip.The main computer will process millions of signals that are generated in the subjects’ brain from all over the world. As soon as the main computer receives the information, it decodes it and translates it into human language. If the decoded language is indecent, the computer will give the chip a certain instruction, and the v-chip will emit an electric shock in the subject’s brain. If not, the main computer will pass on that information and people will not be shocked by electricity. Pressured by people such as parents who worry that the next generation might encounter negative consequence from the exposure to movie profanity, it is the real-life v-chip’s responsibility to regulate the use of language among people. If the modern technology has the ability to develop real-life v-chip, it can reduce the usage of obscene, indecent, and profane language in people’s daily life. It also helps to build a harmonious society in which most of citizens use polite and clean language.

Developing the technology of real-life v-chip can cause many potential benefits. It will not only help individuals to talk and behave in a better manner, but also benefit the whole society’s wellbeing. After implanting the v-chip in humans’ heads, individuals can constantly remind themselves that if they use the forbidden language, they will pay the price for what they said. If people accidently say those words, the electric shock will be the punishment for their misbehaviors. Since the electric shock comes with pain, people can remember better that they should stop using taboo language. After a period of time, people will get used to censor the language they use, and it can enhance moral literacy, elevate the spirit and leading humans to a full development of their personalities. Furthermore, developing v-chip technology can also benefit people’s interpersonal relationships. Since taboo language can make people feel offended and uncomfortable, many people might have negative impression about those who speak offensively, and thus choose to stay away from those rude people. With the implantation of v-chip, those who used to use inappropriate language will change their choice of words, and it can give other people a better impression. As a result, people will be willing to make friends with them. In our society, when implanting v-chip becomes popularized, there will be a dramatic decline of usage of taboo language. Offensive language will also appear less frequently on the broadcasts and televisions, so that it can make people feel relieved; because their next generation will not be harmed by indecent language. In this case, there will be a constant promotion of people’s quality, and the society will be more civilized and stable.

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