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Where Will You Put Your Million Dollars

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In America we are faced with many problems. As citizens we can find a way to help. If you had million dollars would you use it to help America become a better nation? I know if I had a million dollars, I would spend it on food safety, child labor, and women’s suffrage. All women no matter what race or religion do not deserve to suffer. Eating rat dung should not have to be a concern that we have to think about. Children should not break their bones working. These problems are major issues that are very serious in our lives and need to be solved as soon as possible. In solving these problems I would donate money to those three things.

Food safety is definitely a huge issue. I would donate 600,000 dollars on helping them because it is important that what we eat healthy and safe food. The conditions we have are ridiculous. There were rats everywhere crawling around on the meat, so the packers are putting poisoned bread out for them and after the rats consume the bread, the bread, rat, and meat is all put together. ”There would be meat that had tumbled out on the floor, in the dirt and sawdust, where the workers had trampled and spit.” (Upton Sinclair, The Jungle, Viking Press, 1905) Not eating healthy and clean food led to deaths for many families; if they did not eat people would still die. People in the 1900 suffered from the condition these food factors were in.  I would defiantly donate 600,000 dollars to food safety.

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