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Garet Hebert

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Garet Hebert

  • the civil war increased the ecnomic growth of the us by encourageing the demand of industrailed expansion
  • the area that produced the greatest amount of tobacco were states bordering tennesse
  • the regoin that had the largest centers in the late 19th century was the north east
  • during the late 19th century, most immigrants came to the US bc of the impolyment opptrunies in northern industries
  • old immigrants were most likely to come from western europe
  • according to jane adams, after 20 year at hull house the econimic diffrecences aszuated with the guilded age was the divsion of two classes in Chicago
  • Mechanical reaper, steel tipped plow, grain harow were part of farming in the industrail era
  • hershey pennisylia was founded by a major producer of choclate in the US
  • during the late 1900 century wealthy industrailist tryed to keep workers from joining labor unions bc they feared that unions would demand that higher wages be payed to employees
  •    president roover clevand and susan b. anthony during the gilded age disagreed about universal voting rights
  • in 1875 the whiskey ring contrubuted to the end of reconcurstion by discreiditing the grant amisdstration
  • public health was improved by indoor plumbing
  • During the early 20th century the demand for naturla resoures was a factor that conturbuted to American imperlism
  • spainish territroys that came under US influence in 1998 were guam, cuba, purto rico, and the phillpene islands
  • During the progessive era a major accoplishment of muckrackers were influenceing imputing regulation of the mea packing industry
  • in april 1917 president willson asked congress to declare war on germany bc germany resumed unresirected submarine warfare
  • the activity that increased during the 19 twentys was the popularity of spectartor sports
  • annie dallas dougly played a proiment role in the fight for voting rightsas she lead the movment for Tennessee’s ratifications of the 19th amendment
  • one cause of the great depression was the federal government role in establish protective tariff to support domestic regulation
  •  the statement that best reflects Pinchot conversation is that resoures must take in account future as well as present needs    
  • Andrew Carnegie: believed wealthy Americans should use their wealth to help people help themselves
  • Web Dubois: wrote color discrimation barbarism
  • James a. Gareld: republican president that opposed patriotism
  • Thomas ekenions: perhaps the best known American realist painter
  • Jane Addams: opened hull house in Chicago
  • Scoot Joplin: composer whose was called King of Ragtime
  • William j Bryan: populist and democrat presentational nominee in 1896
  • Ida b. wells: journals who launch a crusade against lynching
  • Herbert spencer: argued that progressed bc only the fittest people survive
  • Booker t. Washington: founder Tuskegee institute
  • Nativist reacted to immigration native-born people to limit or cut off immigration
  • Some Chinese immigrants opened their own businesses in part bc native born Americans keep they out of businesses
  • In Boston, Chicago, and New York city elevated railroads and subway systems were devolved to relieve congestion
  • Political machines provided new city dwellers with nesciences such as jobs, housing, police protection in exchange for votes
  • Pop culture changed because industrialization improved the standard of living for many people by enabling them to spend more money on entertainment
  • In one of the major economic debates in the late 1900s, Republicans in Congress blocked democratic efforts to lower tariffs    
  • Passed by Congress in responded to the assassination of President James a. Garfield the penadltin act marked a beginning of a professional civil service job
  • The peoples party, also known as the populist party, was formed in 1890 to elect candidates who would fight for the interest in farmers
  • Beginning in 1800s, southern states used a loop hole in the wording of the 15th amendment to impose resections that barred African Americans for voting in elections    
  • The doctrine of separate but equal, establishing a legal base’s that would last more than 50 years was made in the Supreme Court decision Plessey v Fergusson
  • Some of the problems of urban living in the late 1800s were crime, violence, dieses, pollution, the crime and violence were caused by overcrowding and lack of money for one to support his family. Disease pollution were caused by sewage, contemned drinking water, and rivers and lakes where fish were caught and ate them.
  • Hull house was a famous settlement house in Chicago open by James Addams in 1899. These house were used as day cares, Kindergartens, library’s, art galleries, employment agencies, meeting places for unions. These houses were built for the poor and immigrants to help them with education culture and jobs
  • Several reasons why Europeans immigrated to the US in the late 1800s jobs in northern factories, to avoid military service, to escape religious persecution, and better social environment for a family
  • Deflation: increased in the value of money and decreased in the general level of prices. PT. 2 Framers had to buy money for supplies to plant but interest rates rose so they owned more than their crops were worth
  • The Latin American country that gain independence in 1903 as a direct result as American imperialism was Panama
  • Booker T. Washington, Web Dubois, and Marquis Garvey all believed that African Americans should strive for equality
  • Flapper fashion and speak easies was part of the 1920s
  • Many Americans opposed president Wilson’s policy of neutrality bc American banks had made large loans to allied countries
  •  He policy supporters of imperialism used to defend the belief that the US should intervene in Latin America is the Monroe Doctrine
  • 1939 the US was neutral, 1940 FDR reelected, 1941 Japan attacks Pearl Harbor,1941 US enters WW2
  • A result of the stock market crash of 1929 was an increasing number of business failures
  • Persecution of Jewish people best describes antisenism in German
  • One effect of the new deal on the state of Tennessee was hydroelectric power dams built near Knoxville
  •  The bonus army marched on Washington, 1932 bc government policies were jeopardizing the viability of funds for veterans
  • 1931 German declared war on US, 1944 allied troops invade Normandy, 1945 German forces surrenders to allied powers
  • The social security act of 1935 allowed people to qualify retirement benefits
  •  Great Britain was an ally of the US during WW2
  • Industrial production was affected during WW2 it had to allow women to work in defense factories
  • In 1942, Oakridge Tennessee was selected by the federal government to be the site for developing materials for atomic bombs
  • When local rulers had to accept from an imperial power was called protectorate
  • Us had a duty to shape less civilized parts of the world is called Anglo- saxonism
  •  The idea that America and lateen America is Pan- Americanism
  •  Sensational reporting often exaggerated or invented stories was called yellow journalism
  • what would insecure that Cuba would have remained tied to the US plat amendment
  •  what established a civil government for putro Ricco forkor act
  •  What factories contributed intervention in Mexico in 1916?

  Poncho Ville burned down stuff and killed 17 Americans

   Mexico Refused to apologize for arresting us sailors

  • Mexico had a viscous dictator
  • Explain Theodore Roosevelts big stick policy and give an example on how it was implied

For the US strong global military presence to keep world peace

  • explain the major economic, military, cultural that built American support for imperial                                policies? Economic comapetions a growing feeling of cultural superiority, the need for overseas markets to keep economy strong, have a large navy to protect merchant ships and have a superior power
  • US foreign relations were damaged by President Woodrow Wilson in a intervention Mexico
  • When panama forces revolted against Colombia the US quickly recognized Panama independence and signed a treaty to build the Panama Canal
  • What was the purpose of open door policy in China- it would insure trading rights with China
  • Supporter of annexing the Philippines after Spanish war believed that the islands would provide the US with a naval base
  • The treaty of Paris of 1998 which formal ended the Spanish- American War granted independence to Cuba     

The area where a foreign controlled economic development sphere of influence

Controlled mosquito population to minimize disease during construction of the Panama Canal wa William Crawford grogas

Roosevelt callary stated the US would intervene in Latin- American affairs if necessary 

The belief that if US business supported Latin American development everyone would benefit is dollar diplomacy

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(2016, 10). Garet Hebert. Retrieved 10, 2016, from

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"Garet Hebert." 10, 2016. Accessed 10, 2016.