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Buyer Behavior

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Although our society has made huge strides when it comes to unethical misconduct, unethical marketing practices still take place in the business world today. In my opinion, one of the biggest unethical marketing practices is making false or unverified claims. I understand that everyone wants their product to be a best seller, but lying about your product. Once the consumers find out about the false claims it discredits the entire company and makes consumers hesitant about buying anything with that company’s logo on it.

Another unethical marketing practice is hiding the side effects of a product. Consumer have the right to know what a product can potentially do to them. As a consumer, I would appreciate knowing the side effects of a product and use that information to make my purchasing decisions. Some company’s honestly don’t know the side effects of their products just yet, but it better to say there are no known side effects, then flat out saying there aren’t any

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