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Correlation Between Advertising and Overseas Students Purchasing Decision

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The aimed of this research was to found out there was the correlation between advertising and overseas students purchasing decision. The hypothesis of this study was there was correlation between advertising and purchasing decision. The results confirmed the hypothesis. Firstly, both males and females overseas students usually used advertising to get information about products before making a purchase decision. Result showed positively according to Shavitt, Lowrey and Haefner(1998) who found that advertising helped Americans to guiding purchasing decision. Moreover, some receptiveness is affected by attitudes towards advertising studied by Ha and McCann (2008). There were some correspondent between advertisement and attitude of overseas students are positive when they willing to purchase products then, advertisements shown. Supported by Broussard (2000) study about relation between advertising frequency and respond. Whatever, overseas students love to pay attention in advertisements supported by Kumar and Raju (2013) that customers are likely to watch more of the advertisements which affect their opinion.

Secondly, Most of overseas students visited both sites of consumers generated sites and marketers generated sites. Result showed slightly differently with research  of  Bronner, Hoog,(2010)  the study about Consumer generated and marketer generated websites in consumer decision making. Overseas students at Navitas preferred to visited consumers generated sites more than marketers generated sites. Perhaps, consumers generated sites given useful and reliably information than marketer generated sites. A possible explanation could be effected of WOM online by another users  Chen and  Kirmani (2011) examine how motivation affects consumers’ online posting decisions. Finally, result showed overseas students generally to talked to friends online about information of products. To compared with research of Reigner,(2007) the study of word of mouth on the websites effected on consumer purchase decisions. The result of students in Navitas also showed positive relevant with study of Reigner. Word of mouth operates through a complex process that transforms commercial information into cultural

stories relevant to the members of particular communities. Explained by Kozinets, Valck, Wojnicki, and Wilner, (2010) the study of Word of mouth online marketing.

Due to lack of time, funds and human resources , the survey included only students at Navitas Wynyard , Sydney and not overseas students from other universities across Australia. This means that this data is not representative to all overseas students in Australia. As such, in future studies, the sample should include students from universities across all Australian cities.

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(2016, 07). Correlation Between Advertising and Overseas Students Purchasing Decision. Retrieved 07, 2016, from

"Correlation Between Advertising and Overseas Students Purchasing Decision" 07 2016. 2016. 07 2016 <>.

"Correlation Between Advertising and Overseas Students Purchasing Decision.", 07 2016. Web. 07 2016. <>.

"Correlation Between Advertising and Overseas Students Purchasing Decision." 07, 2016. Accessed 07, 2016.