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Mark Case

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Ushakov Aleksandr     M-13-2        

Marketing isn’t advertising    

In the modern world everyone want to promote something, either goods, services or images. They can do this in the variety of diversified ways. There are marketing and advertising that should help people or companies in this promotion. Some distinguish these terms; others think they are the same. The third opinion is that advertising is the part of marketing. I should agree with the last option and support it with few arguments.

The most common view related to the connection between advertising and marketing is the fact that marketing consists of several components. In addition to that, Laura Lake considers marketing process as a pie. The slices are advertising, market research, PR, pricing and community involvement. These layers cannot work independently, but they must interact in order to reach the business aim of any person or company[2],[3]. Moreover, some writers regard marketing as “a set of processes for creating, communicating, and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships”[1]. At the same time, advertising is a paid public presentation for commodities and services. There is the statement to support this view: “Marketing is not pushing people to buy things; it’s drawing them in to listen”[4].  

Besides, advertising is a single-way process directed to the customers, while marketing works in two directions. A marketer satisfies the customers and the customers pay for the product or service. Advertisement just delivers some message of yours without any feedback[6].

Furthermore, advertising is a process with short time horizon. On the other hand, marketing is strategic and long term planning. Marketing allows to create a product and convince prospects to use it. Yet adverts help to accelerate product awareness[5].  

To conclude the whole topic about this interweaving, advertising is only one component of the complex process of marketing. It is legit to assume that these are equally essential parts of any business to succeed.


Reference list

  1. Sandra L. Calvert. Children as Consumers: Advertising and Marketing / Sandra L. Calvert // THE FUTURE OF CHILDREN. – VOL. 18 / NO. 1 / SPRING 2008: [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа:
  2. Kimberly McCall. The REAL Difference Between Marketing & Advertising: [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: 
  3. Laura Lake. Marketing vs. Advertising: What's the Difference?: [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа:
  4. People don't buy products. They buy people, purpose, and promise: [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа:
  5. Marketing and Advertising: What’s the difference?: [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа:
  6. What is the difference between marketing and advertising?: [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа:
  7. Marketing vs. Sales: [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа:


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(2016, 10). Mark Case. Retrieved 10, 2016, from

"Mark Case" 10 2016. 2016. 10 2016 <>.

"Mark Case.", 10 2016. Web. 10 2016. <>.

"Mark Case." 10, 2016. Accessed 10, 2016.