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Own Body Language

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1. How does your own body language reveal your feelings and meanings to others?

Your own body language can dictate many things in life. It is only human nature to take notice of the way people hold themselves in a social and public environment. When your body language is spread out, dominant, and you are taking up room, you are seen as someone that is confident, more approachable, and people tend to like them better. When your body language is closed off, you make yourself smaller, and you have folded your arms, you are less approachable and seen as more timid.

2. What are some positive and negative body language signs done by others that reveal their feelings to you?

Positive body language signs are taking up space, spreading yourself out, uncrossed arms, and your bodies leaning towards the audience or person you are conversing with. Negative body language is closing you body off, hunching over, no eye contact, making yourself small, and crossing your arms.

3. Body language is different in many cultures, identify cultural differences in body language

Body language is different as far as men and women go. Men are more likely to be more dominant, make a statement when they talk, and spread themselves out. Women on the other hand are more likely to be closed off and make themselves smaller because of the stereotypical dominance of males in our society.

4. Can powerful poses cause one to feel more powerful? why?

Powerful poses can cause one to feel more powerful. When in powerful poses, testosterone is released more which helps with confidence, dominance, and power. On the other hand, the cortisone is decreasing which will help

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