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Proposal for Food Product - Kerepek Biji Durian

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2.1 Description of Product

        As we all know, there are several categories for products and services. For our product, we choose organic category as people nowadays are concerning more on what do they eat and how it will affect them in future. Our product which is Kerepek Biji Durian is new entry in the market.

        Regardless of diet, organic foods are a smart priority. Opting for organic foods is an effectual choice for personal and planetary health. Buying organically grown food which is free of harmful chemicals, bursting with more nutrition, taste, and sustainable sustenance is a direct vote for immediate health and the hopeful future of generations to come. For that reason, we choose to use fully organic ingredient without adding any additional chemical substances in it.

        The ingredient use in making our product is durian’s seed, anchovy (ikan bilis), coriander powder (serbuk ketumbar) and garlic. These ingredients is the only ingredients that we use without adding any sugar, salt, MSG, seasoning, flavor enhancer or any chemical substances in our recipe.

2.2 Tagline


        Crafting a company tagline as memorable as Apple or Disney's starts with one simple task which is identifying our own unique advantage in the market.

“Hate durian ? Try this first !”

        We use that tagline as we want to attract everyone either they are durian lover or durian hater to try our product. Our product does not have the taste of durian and even the smell of it. The taste is really unique and everyone will love it for sure.

2.3 Analysis of Competitors

        The entrepreneur should begin this step by first documenting the current strategy of each primary competitor. This can be organized by using an assessment of competitor marketing strategy and strengths and weaknesses. The information of the competitors can be gathered initially by using as much public information as possible and then complementing this with a marketing research project. Newspaper articles, Web sites, magazine, promotions, interviews with distributors and customers and any other marketing strategy or company information available should be received.

        Analysis of competitors compares our company to others company which have been in similar industry. It is useful for determining our competitive advantage, and realistically assessing our company’s limitations. The main purpose to analysing our competitors is to demonstrate how well we know the market, thus convincing our audience that our business will succeed over others. We can see that our biggest competitor is Al Hafeez Food Industries. They supply a variety of chips and traditional cakes at wholesales to the rest of Malaysia. They offer competitive wholesale prices and quality of food products and dietary guaranteed. Furthermore, people in Melaka can easily get their product since Al Hafeez Food Industries is at Batu Pahat which is only 1 hour from Melaka.

        Competition between our company with Al Hafeez Food Industries also include the way we use the social networking sites. Facebook, one of the most popular personal profile sites, has recognized the business market and recently promote their Facebook thus allowing more people to know them and connect easily with them. Facebook provides a vast web of personal recommendations and helps businesses to target ads to specific target markets using Facebook. Many companies use Facebook to stay in touch with the customers that have joined their network, so we did not want to lose the opportunity that have been grabbed by a lot of other businesses.

2.4 Benefits

         There are a lot of reasons why we choose organic over other category. First of all, we want to avoid chemicals in our food. We might not see the effect of chemicals in our food in short-term but it might affect our long-term health. Other than that, it is better to be organic as we get benefit from more nutrients. Organically foods have more nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and micronutrient rather than commercially foods because the ingredient is managed and nourished with sustainable practices by responsible standards.

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(2015, 11). Proposal for Food Product - Kerepek Biji Durian. Retrieved 11, 2015, from

"Proposal for Food Product - Kerepek Biji Durian" 11 2015. 2015. 11 2015 <>.

"Proposal for Food Product - Kerepek Biji Durian.", 11 2015. Web. 11 2015. <>.

"Proposal for Food Product - Kerepek Biji Durian." 11, 2015. Accessed 11, 2015.