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Sport Tourism

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 Sport Tourism

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Title:                         Sport Tourism

Name:                 Marc Drijver

Relation number:         434124

Tutor:                 Hans Dekker

Date:                        02-11-2015

Table of contents

Introduction to the assignment        

1.        Sport Tourism        

1.1        What is sport tourism?        

1.2        Types of sport tourism        

1.2.1        Sport event tourism        

1.2.2        Active sport Tourism        

1.2.3        Nostalgia sport tourism        

2.        Key players in sport tourism        

2.1        Public sector        

2.1.1        Olympic committee        

2.1.2        FIFA        

2.1.3        International association of athletics federation        

2.2        Private sector        

2.2.1        Thomas Cook Sport        

3.        How are the key players working together?        

3.1        What is a supply chain?        

3.2        The sport tourism supply chain        

4.        What are the main target groups in Sport Tourism        

4.1        Active sport tourists        

4.1.1        Elite athletes        

4.1.2        Outdoor, adventure and “alternative” sport tourists        

4.1.3        Golf and skiing tourists        

4.1.4        Participants in mass-participation sports events        

4.2        Passive tourists        

4.2.1        Athletics spectators        

4.2.2        Committed football and cricket fans        

4.2.3        Mass sport events spectators        

4.3        Nostalgia sport tourists        

5.        What are the trends in sport tourism?        

5.1        Trends in sport        

5.1.1        New sports        

5.1.2        Snack sport        

5.1.3        Smart clothing        

5.1.4        Own the platform, be the community        

5.1.5        Money in the moving human        

5.2        Influence on sport tourism        

5.3        Future sport tourism trends        

6.        What are the consequences, for sport tourism, regarding the 3ps?        

6.1        What are the 3ps?        

6.2        What are the consequences of the 3ps        


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