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Evolved Generation

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Pedro Lira

Instructor Steven Wright

1301 English 8:30-9:50 a.m

03 April 2017

“Evolved Generation”

        The technological growth taking place in the world today is increasing and the new advancements are affecting society in both convenient and negative ways. If individuals in our society were to actually compare the way we live today and how our life was a few years ago, we would definitely notice how much technology has impacted our life’s positively and negatively. In "Driven to Distraction: Our wired generation" by Larry Rosen, he states that technology has been a great distraction to mankind. Individuals in our society should learn how to manage the use of technology because it has made our society less social, less interactive, and less outgoing because of the distractions technology has created.

        Technology plays a very important role in our daily life, as society has become very dependent on it. In "Driven to Distraction: Our Wired generation" Larry Rosen states, “Technology is not going to disappear from our world and in fact, it is only going to get more appealing” (354). Larry Rosen interprets that the extent of technology will continue to grow, but we can’t complain because technology has enhanced in a very beneficial scheme that now it is easier for us to communicate and travel. For example, when I need help from my teacher and I can’t reach her I could simply sent her an email, text her, or call her and this is all due to technology. Another great example of how technology works in a convenient way is in transportation; For instance, if I need to get to school fast I could easily take a metro, go on a scooter, or even go on a Hover board. Technology has been a great influence in society, but we need to know how to acknowledge it.

        As we can see technology has become very useful in our live’s, but it has also affected our generation in a negative way. According to Larry Rosen his research shows, “With more electronics, social connections in our lives internal distractors are also increasing and tech breaks can be used to train the brain to focus without the worry and anxiety about what we might be missing in our virtual social world’ (354). Larry Rosen believes that the distractions of technology are affecting our education and our social live’s. For example, people nowadays worry more about their cellphones, computers, Facebook, and Snapchat than what really surrounds them like their family, friends and their education. Teenagers need to know how to manage the technology of today in order to not lose focus in their social life.

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(2017, 04). Evolved Generation. Retrieved 04, 2017, from

"Evolved Generation" 04 2017. 2017. 04 2017 <>.

"Evolved Generation.", 04 2017. Web. 04 2017. <>.

"Evolved Generation." 04, 2017. Accessed 04, 2017.