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Gun Control

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A gun does not have a brain. A gun cannot fire itself whilst angry. Which is why The US government should not impose more gun control laws because guns do not harm people. It is known that since 1988 gun ownership has gone up over 1200%, while these numbers went up gun deaths and gun crimes have decreased by almost 60%. This shows that a lot of people have been getting guns strictly for protection and for a criminal you aren’t going to want to break into a home where they probably have a gun and get killed. Do you really think banning guns is going to stop a criminal from getting a gun and using it in a crime? People are still out doing drugs even though they are illegal and criminals do not obey the law so all you would be doing by taking guns away is making the average person less safe by not letting them protect themselves from a criminal who doesn’t care what the law says. There are many gun laws that already in place; the problem is the federal government will not enforce the laws in tact.

If you look at Washington DC and Chicago, both of these places imposed strict gun laws and crime skyrocketed, because criminals will always get guns and when they heard less people had guns now to stop them they started committing way more crimes. All gun control laws are doing are leaving people defenseless. I have never understood why people freak out over guns but drunk drivers kill far more people then guns do, but people don’t ever try to ban alcohol or cars. People say well it isn’t the cars fault of the alcohol it’s the person who decided to mix them together, but isn’t that exactly the same situation as criminals using guns. Someone once said to me that Switzerland had full auto guns for their citizens and the Nazis didn’t even try or attempt to go to Switzerland, and the same thing applies here what criminal is going to want to break into someone’s house knowing that as soon as they get in they are going to be welcomed to gunfire any criminal will pick a house with no guns before a house with guns. That is why we need to let the people have guns because I believe everyone having guns will slow down criminals.

There are many strict laws against criminals already. If we as a nation would simply enforce them a lot of shooting and crimes would

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