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How Do Our Choices Define Who We Are?

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How do our choices define who we are?

Making certain decisions in life can be very nerve-wracking because they can either have a positive or negative impact on our lives. How we behave around others changes how people identify us, but their opinions can also influence how we choose to behave. We may also choose to act differently in front of others because of the constant fear of being judged by them. Furthermore, society can have a powerful impact on how we choose to act, dress, look, or behave; we change so we don’t feel like outcasts. Our decisions define our identity not only to ourselves but also to others by how we choose to act and portray ourselves to the people around us.  

        How we choose to behave around others changes how people identify us, but their opinions can also change how we choose to behave. For example, if we choose to behave obnoxiously in front of our friends’ parent that’s the way they’re going to perceive us, which could affect their opinions about us leading them to believe that we’ll be bad influences on their child. However, a person’s opinion can also change how we choose to behave because the way people identify us can either affect us in a positive or negative way. A positive opinion can make a person feel more confident and can cause them to continue make good decisions. Another case can be someone’s opinion can sometimes put pressure on someone to constantly act or behave a certain way so their opinions about you doesn’t change. We choose to act or behave in certain ways around others to be recognized that way, but sometimes it’s because of the fear of being judged differently by the people around us.

        We can choose to act a particular way in front of others because of the constant fear of being judged by them. We act a specific way because at times we can feel if we make one bad decision, that not everyone agrees with, it can affect our identity because if we’re so afraid of what will happen if we do make a bad choice, that effects our identity because you’re constantly changing your choices to please others. We can choose to portray ourselves differently as well to please people and try to make good impressions, for instance a girl that hates wearing makeup might start to wear makeup because of the fear that she won’t make a good impression and might be seen in a negative way. Society plays an extensive part in making choices that affect our identity because there are so many aspects of how an “ideal” person should be.

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