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What It Means to Be a Good Person?

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Maddy Gillette

September 7, 2015

What it means to be a good person

The challenge of defining what it means to be good person is honestly pretty hard. Luckily, the family norms I was taught by my parents gave me a much broader understanding of how people can contribute to being a good person in many different ways. However, what it really trickles down to is, a good person is someone who is truly good, kind, and giving. I give my credit to learning these values from my Mother. She goes out of her way to do almost anything for others, which is why I truly admire her.

My fondest moment of my mother Jackie is when I was in 5th grade. A man stranded in my town was looking for a way home to New York to see is wife and child but he had lost his wallet on a bus that he had taken. 2:30 in the afternoon I was on my way home from school. My mother without any hesitation pulls over and offers him help. She brings him to the airport and buys him a plane ticket back to New York. Her reasoning for doing it was, “I never would have wanted to be separated from you for longer

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