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Alania's Travels

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A long time ago not long after Prometheus created man, a young girl by the name of Alania appeared. Her silky brown hair swept over her beautiful blue eyes. Her eyes were a reflection of the sea. She was different; and everyone knew so but her. She was never accepted by society, and she never quite understood why. She longed to be accepted by her community. She did not understand why she was not accepted or why everyone kept their distance. Until one momentous day, when her fate came crashing upon her.

On this particular day, she truly realized how different she was. As she was walking home from school, she saw an ominous figure in her path. She decided rather than face whatever creature beckons her, that she would take a longer way home. She took a few turns and ended up on the beach. She was never allowed near the water as a child. She had always figured that it was for safety reasons. She had never broken her mother’s rule but today the ocean beckoned her. She approached the water and she just kept walking until she could no longer touch the bottom. She was enjoying herself in the water, until a big wave came crashing down atop her. She was dragged, under and she was struggling against the water which was continuously pulling her under. She finally could not hold her breathe any longer, so she inhaled, expecting to get a mouthful of water. She was utterly surprised that she could breathe just as well underwater as above it. When she let out a scream, she became curious as to why it did not sound muffled or watered down at all. She was confused and startled and tried to swim to the surface, but the resistance of the water prohibited it. She relaxed letting the water push her further down still not believing what was happening.

She was drifting down towards the ocean floor when something caught her eye: A city. It cannot be she thought; I must hallucinating. She had yet to believe her eyes. It seems as if a deteriorated city had been sunken to the far depths of the ocean. The current finally retreated, allowing her to return to land. She could not help but wonder if she truly just encountered an underground city or if she had just been hallucinating.

She returned home soaking wet. Her mother soon appeared. “What happened to you” she said. Alania now debated whether or not to tell her mother what happened. She decided it would be best to keep it a secret. “I fell in a pond on my way home but I’m fine,” Alania said. Her mother left it at that and returned to the kitchen. She told Alania to change into something nice as they were having company over for dinner.

Apparently there was a new family on their small island which was quite unusual. She put on a blue dress, and pinned up her long brown hair and descended the stairs. The family was already at the table. Her mother introduced her to their son, his name was Kai. Kai had sandy blonde hair and his eyes too reflected the sea they were fast friends. They enjoyed an evening of fun and Alania enjoyed having a friend.

The next day she should Kai around her school. She was still wondering what had she seen the day before. She had discreetly placed a swim suit in her bag before school. She had planned to dive in the direction the current took her. After school she made her way towards the beach.she changed to her swim suit and dove towards the ocean floor. Along with the city something else caught her eye. Kai, it cant be she thought. She dove down towards him and their eyes locked. “what are you doing here” asked Kai. “I cound ask you the same thing” she snapped back at him. He began to explain to her how the current had dragged him down when she realized his voice was not watered down and he had experienced the same as her. They returned to the surface to discuss the matter and he explained how this had happened before on his island and that is why they moved. He told her about this man by the name of Keres he had torn apart cities and sank them to the bottom of the sea. He had assumed she had known and was surprised by her shock.

The only question that remained unanswered was that of how they could breathe and converse underwater which neither of them seemed to know. They finally decided to tell their moms what had happened and they managed to answer their one remaining question. They told them that both of their fathers were able to unexplainably breathe underwater as well and finally each of them brought themselves to tell the story they never could manage to, how their fathers died. They told them that keres had destroyed them when they were trying to defend their islands. Alania and Kai were both astonished with the fact that their fathers had died fighting Keres and sought after revenge. They needed to form a plan. They decided to study the pattern

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