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Communication and Collaboration Strategies

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Communication and Collaboration Strategies

August 1, 2011

Jamie Doi

Communication and Collaboration Strategies

After taking the assessment, the three different learning styles that identified are: Interpersonal, Bodily/Kinesthetic, and Logical/Mathematical. The most effective strategy for communication and collaboration, as it pertains to these three learning styles, is multi-faceted. The three different personality types identified are: Organizer, Giver, and Adventurer. The most effective strategy for communication and collaboration, as it pertains to these three personality types, are equally as multi-faceted.

The Interpersonal learning style consists of study groups and group discussions. A person of this learning style must communicate with and teach others. The most effective strategy for this person would center on team or group-driven learning. With the use of flash cards and an opportunity teach others within the group, this learning style will flourish.

The Bodily/Kinesthetic learning styles fit a person who is a “physical” thinker, someone who learns by doing. A person of this learning style to connects with the body and uses it as tool for learning and communicating. Moving or rapping while learning, pacing, reciting, moving fingers under words while reading, and acting out scripts of materials are a few of the techniques essential to this learning styles communication and growth.

The Logical/Mathematical learning style applies to a person who recognizes abstract patterns, reasons inductively, deductively, and scientifically, and performs complex calculations. This is the brainiac of the bunch; therefore, he or she organizes material logically. It is essential that this person be offered the opportunity to explain material sequentially to someone, develop systems and find patterns, write outlines and develop charts and graphs, and analyze information.

The personality of an Organizer is one of a person who is responsible, reliable, efficient, loyal, and has an orientation to detail. They operate well within social structures; therefore, it is key that they work in an equally conducive environment. It is essential that this person have tasks clearly defined in clear, concrete terms so that he or she knows the requirements. They thrive in a stable

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