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First Day at the Farm

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First Day at the Farm

 Assess the number of self surrenders you will have for the day. Usually days are around three, so have all pertain paperwork ready medical, housing, education and intake forms. This will help you process more quickly.  Each new inmate is scheduled two hours apart this gives you just enough time to beginning to process your paperwork before you call the apporate staff to continue with the medical and mental assessment.  You will be called by the guard/or on the black box. The inmate must have the self surrender documents from the US Marshals. They will most likely be with family so be direct but give them a moment to say their goodbyes. They must leave before the inmate can be processed in. If you notice that the inmate has an watch or any expensive jewelry ask them to leave it with their family, The only jewelry allowed in a prison is a cross and chain, solid gold band and a pair of hoop or post earrings the value of these items must be under a hundred dollars.  Most inmates will have other paperwork so go through it before escorting them through the gate. The are allowed twenty five photographs (no nudies), legal paperwork, list of numbers and address and cash up to $300.00. If they have a money order it will have to be mailed to Georgia to be processed in for their prison account. Now you are ready to transfer the inmate to the holding cell.

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