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Biology Investigation: Investigating the Effect of Catalase Concentration on the Speed of Reaction with Hydrogen Peroxide

By:   •  Lab Report  •  250 Words  •  December 25, 2009  •  1,155 Views

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Biology investigation: Investigating the effect of Catalase concentration on the speed of reaction with Hydrogen Peroxide

Planning 2

Aim: 2

Prediction 2

Research 2

What is Catalase? What does it do? 2

How could I measure the rate of reaction? 3

Is this method viable? 3

How can I make sure that my results are fair? 4

How will I control my variables? 6

What are the risks? 7

Method 7

Equipment 7

What will gain/lose oxygen in my experiment? 9

Final Method 10

Implementation 10

Table of results 10

Graphs 11

A graph to show cumulative oxygen produced in cm cubed when reacting 1 to 5 percent yeast concentration with 2 ml hydrogen peroxide 11

A graph to show the gradients of each yeast concentration 11

Analysis 12

Graph analysis 12

Cumulative oxygen graph analysis 12

Calculating my gradients 12

Gradient graph conclusion 13

Evaluation 15

Anomalous results 15

Error 15

Percentage error of equipment 15

Main sources of error 16

My new method 16

Equipment: 16