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Internal Structure of a Rat

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We will be examining the internal structure of a rat. They're will be many similarities in organ structure, but will also provide us with a visual perspective of the functions of each organ and its location.

Materials: Rat, Dissecting Tray, Gloves, Dissecting kit, Pins, Paper towels


The dissection begins with putting on gloves on both hands then placing the rat on its back on a dissecting tray. When that is completed, we spread the limbs of the rat and pin down its paws with a sharp pin. Now that the rat is carefully pinned down to the dissecting tray, we prepare our operation by gathering our dissecting tools.

Using a scissors, we cut the epidermis (skin) of the rat beginning slightly above the genital area, moving upwards towards the top of the thoracic cavity of the rat. It is important to keep in mind not to cut very deeply in this process, as cutting any veins will cause blood to spill and make the dissection more difficult. Once the epidermis is successfully cut open, we pin down the skin and use a scalpel in the next procedure.

In this process, we slowly cut the dermis of the rat beginning from the genital area, once more, slowly moving to the thoracic cavity to expose the internal organs of the rat. Once this is complete, we take a blunt scissor and break through the rat’s rib cage to expose the major organs in the thoracic cavity. Once this is complete, spread open the ribs and examine all internal organs.


As we examine the rat we noticed several organs in the thoracic cavity. Underneath the thoracic cavity is also the abdominal pelvic cavity as well. The diaphragm separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal pelvic cavity. First we examine the heart. The heart is enclosed by the pericardium, which is a cavity that protects the heart. The purpose of the heart is to pump blood through out all organs. On each side of the heart are the lungs, lungs line the pleural cavity. The purpose of the lungs are to provide oxygen and remove carbon dioxide in the body.

If you look under the heart you'll notice a large blue organ which is the liver. The liver provides many vital function to the body, a few being, produces bile which helps

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