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Anemia Case Study

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Anemia is usually regarded as lack of enough blood in the body, or having insufficient hemoglobin or lacking enough red blood cells (RBC) that transport oxygen all over the particular, this condition is prone to those suffering from diseases like HIV/AIDs, where many of such conditions are hereditary. Still, during birth, women are most susceptible to iron-deficiency anemia, given that there is demanded blood supply that is required during this period. As well, during menstruation, a lot of blood gets lost. Because of poor dieting, adults are very prone to gradual anemia condition.

For that case, anemia can be classified into three groups in regard to their causes. The first group is caused by loss of excess blood in the body; the second group is caused by poor immunity when red blood cells are destroyed, and the third group is caused by lack of enough blood cells in the body. These three classifications always lead to one of the following seven types of anemia; sickle cell anemia, hemolytic anemia, aplastic anemia, thalassemia, pernicious anemia, hemolytic anemia, and the iron-deficiency anemia (Health24, 2014).


And so, in our discussion, from the symptoms and conditions of Ms. A, she is more likely to have been suffering from one type of anemia that is caused by lack of vitamin B-12 (Limited, 2015). This class of anemia has certain unique symptoms, as follows:

  1. Difficulty when walking characterized by wobbliness and unsteady gait
  2. Loss of touching sensation
  3. A feeling of tingling characterized by needles and pins sensation on both the feet and hands
  4. Dementia
  5. A feeling of clumsiness and stiffness while walking and doing some activities

Pernicious Anemia

This type of anemia is mostly as a result of insufficient vitamin B-12 and lack of enough red blood cells in the body. Those associated with this condition mostly have a problem with absorption of vitamin B-12, as they lack one of the intrinsic factors of protein development in the stomach (Limited, 2015). Besides this factor, other factors are responsible for the condition of pernicious anemia, if dieting is anything to go by. This type of anemia has the following signs and symptoms; of paramount, the victim is characterized with an enlarged liver that usually disrupts breathing causing breath shortness. Secondly, the victim suffers from the damage of nerves, and this mostly leads to neurological disorders such as loss of memory, feeling depressed and confused, and dementia. Thirdly, the victims suffer from digestive tract system, a problem that causes vomiting and nausea, diarrhea and constipation, accumulation of gas and abdominal bloating, loss of weight, hurt burn, and appetite loss. Lastly, but not the least, the victims the victim always has smooth, beefy red.


All in all, there is enough and sufficient evidence in the case above to illustrate that Ms. A has been suffering from an anemic disorder caused by lack of enough, and /or faulty red blood cells, called Pernicious. In particular, her lack of sufficient Iron, vitamin B-12, and Folate provides an outlet to her ill-behaved conditions she has been suffering from. The fact that other anemic conditions do not apply in this case is because Ms. A is perceived to be healthy and young. As if that is not enough, it is indicated that her anemic conditions usually appears and gets worse during her menstruation period, an aspect that vividly indicates that most of her blood is being lost at that time, and as a result, losing large amount of significant minerals that are the causal factors of vitamin B-12, Folate, and Iron deficiency. Moreover, 8g/dl is a very low level of hemoglobin, and this is clear evidence too. To add to the point, Ms. A has been suffering from dysmenorrheal and menorrhagia for her last 12 years, and this is apparently an evidence that she has been suffering from consistent loss of blood during her menstruation period. And so, the fact that she suffers from menorrhagia indicates that there is a possibility of suffering from weakness and fatigue caused by loss of excess blood, a case that has eventually led to low hematocrit level (32%), which is the percentage of a number of red blood cells present.

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(2017, 12). Anemia Case Study. Retrieved 12, 2017, from

"Anemia Case Study" 12 2017. 2017. 12 2017 <>.

"Anemia Case Study.", 12 2017. Web. 12 2017. <>.

"Anemia Case Study." 12, 2017. Accessed 12, 2017.