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  1. Identity and discuss 3 specific needs of the group


As people get older and get put in a category of the elderly or aged which is defined as 65 or older their health starts to deteriorates. The aged then require healthcare that is affordable and age appropriate because they start to experience physical, and mental health issues for example physically there is a decline in appearance, sight and hearing problems may develop. A general reduction in strength and endurance is shown and there is greater difficulty in stooping, bending, stretching, lifting etc. The aged are exposed to strokes, neurological disorders, arthritis, fractured hips, osteoporosis and arteriosclerosis. Mentally there may be a failure in abilities and the grasp of new concepts and adaptations to change show a definite change. Many of the aged do not wish to admit to being old or sick or are unwilling to seek medical advice because of the cost. Although the extent of health problems changes with each individual certain physical and mental changes do generally occur during old age. While aging health care needs become much greater. Healthcare services must be affordable and local, easy to travel to.  

Safety and security

Security and safety are most important to the aged because the aged feel vulnerable because of their weakness and isolation. Safety issues for the aged may include the physical surroundings such as the installation of handrails, and personal security such as installing an alarm system they also need to have financial security, especially when they are unable to continue in a paid workforce and will have to retiree for a long period of time . The aged need to make sure they are with someone when they are either shopping or out to make sure they are not being tricked or if by themselves to make sure that when they are going out of their house that their belongings are close to them. They should develop a process in which those safety and security needs are being met, either by friends or family who play a big role in providing emotional security for the aged.

Sense of identity

There are many ways in which older people define their sense of identity, having a sense of purpose and goals can develop from finding new hobbies, volunteering, travelling, participating in physical activity, gardening or having pets, just to name a few examples. an older person can find new friends or new interests through community, social or recreational groups in their area. Being older leads to (way of living) changes that include a decrease in time spent at paid work an increase in time spent chasing after personal interests. As their (way of living) is changing their sense of identity may change or even make them question themselves who they are and what are they doing with their life. The old want to feel needed, respected and to add/give to others welfare. Members of this groups need to be treated as people and not (made a prejudiced mental picture). When the old are excluded from (community of people/all good people in the world) it affects their well-being and leads to a loss of identity.

  1. Discuss 1 equity issue faced by this group

Retirement and recreation

Upon retirement the old person faces one of the greatest changes/recalculations they life. Job happiness (from meeting a need or reaching a goal), (related to managing money) rewards and responsibility are missed, family routines change and personal associations through work are disrupted. The status which goes along with a work role is lost and there is great difficulty in finding interests to fill in time. Many people feel that only work- either part-time or full-time can give the old a feeling of being wanted or needed by (community of people/all good people in the world). For many people there is too much time after retirement which needs to be filled with fun/relaxation activities and interests which helps them find they sense of identity and distract them from the loneliness and (being completely separate from others) they may feel

  1. What community organization advocate for this group and state how they benefit from this organization

Access to services

Commonwealth Carelink Centres are information centres (online, phone and stores) for older people, people with disabilities and those who provide care and services. Centres provide free and confidential information on community aged care, disability and other support services available locally, interstate or anywhere within Australia.


University of the 3rd age is one community service group. This is a program of special short courses covering a wide range of interests from Astronomy to Western Philosophy. You can study with a small group of people or undertake a course through self-study. The program is available to all older people and especially relevant for older members of the community who are isolated, either geographically or through physical or social circumstances. U3A Online is designed to make learning for pleasure and is low cost. You need no prior qualifications; there are no exams and no degrees.

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(2016, 03). Cafs. Retrieved 03, 2016, from

"Cafs" 03 2016. 2016. 03 2016 <>.

"Cafs.", 03 2016. Web. 03 2016. <>.

"Cafs." 03, 2016. Accessed 03, 2016.