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How Children May Become Deviants If They Did Not Pass Through Each Stage Smoothly

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1.2 How children may become deviants if they did not pass through each stage smoothly

        According to Sigmund Freud, who was neurologist, he was introduce the theory of psychosexual development which was oral stage, anal stage, phallic stage, latency stage and genital stage. In the Freud’s theories, the fixation refers to a persistent focus of the id’s pleasure-seeking energies on an earlier stage of psychosexual development. (Cherry, n.d.) A fixation occurs when an issue or conflict in a psychosexual stage remains unresolved, leaving the individual focused on this stage and unable to move onto the next. (Cherry, n.d.) It can happen in any of the psychosexual developmental stages except the last one. (Tomy, n.d) Fixation also is attaching oneself in an unreasonable or exaggerated way to another individual or one particular stage of development. Freud claimed that such a fixation at one particular stage can cause bad habits or problems in an individual’s adult life. (Micki, 2011)

        Children who not pass through the oral stages smoothly will become extremely gullible or naive, always following others and never taking the lead and become extremely dependent upon others. (Lavida, n.d.) This also leads to the deviant behaviour which was the negative habit such as over eating, biting the fingernails, smoking, drinking, or chew on pen in adult life. (Lavida, n.d.)

        Children will become dependent personality disorder (DPD) if they no pass through in the oral stages. People with DPD will easier swallow or take the works of other without feeling of guilt. They will have a low evaluate of self-worth due to DPD. (Anonymous, n.d.)  

        Over eating can lead to many problem such as personal problem or social problem. The people who effect by over eating will faced the obesity problem. (JASON, n.d.) The people who obesity will feel tired, lazy, irritated as well as experience muscular and joint pains because they need to carry the weight of their body. (JASON, n.d.) After that, this will also affect the social image of people who obesity which will tend to lose their confidence on their appearance. (JASON, n.d.) They will become more not confident and lose self-esteem. (JASON, n.d.) Based to the common sense, man will rather to look one more time to the girl who slim rather than look at the girl who fat but beautiful. The people who have the obesity problem will be difficulty to find to true love.

        For many of children will face the bad habit such as biting fingernails, chewing on pen and smoking. The biting of fingernail can cause the up to 45% of teenagers bite their nails, for example; teenagers may be a handful but you wouldn't argue that nearly half of them need medical intervention. (Tom, 2014) I want to understand the 'subclinical' side of the phenomenon – nail biting that isn't a major problem, but still enough of an issue for me to want to be rid of it. (Tom, 2014) Psychotherapists have had some theories about nail biting that was causes by mother during the childhood. (Tom, 2014) Typical to Freudian theories, oral fixation is linked to myriad causes, such as under-feeding or over-feeding, breast-feeding too long or problematic relationship with your mother. (Tom, 2014)

Biting fingernail also will lead to many problems such as put the healthiness at threat. (Amanda, 2014) This is because biting fingernail is a way to raise your risk of spreading warts to other parts of your hands. (Amanda, 2014) There are many viruses or disease that spread by this way. Furthermore, biting fingernail will cause the fingernail deform and stop the growing of fingernail. Biting or picking your nails could also lead to temporary or permanent effects to your actual nail. (Amanda, 2014) Chewing on pen that made of lead will lead the disease. Lead poisoning is the leading health risk associated with chewing on plastic. (Absurdistry, 2008) There are major crusades right now waged by various health and environmental organizations to get lead out of the plastic that manufactures are using to make children’s toys. (Absurdistry, 2008)

Smoking causes the smoker to bear the high price of cigarette and put the health on threat. The smoker will addicted to smoke and cause many disease such as lung cancer. About one in 10 smokers will get lung cancer, depending upon how much they have smoked. (Joan, n.d.)About one in three smokers will die of a smoking-related illness—lung cancer, heart disease, emphysema, etc. (Joan, n.d.)

Second stage is anal stage, the fixation occurs in two states which was anal-expulsive personality and anal- retentive personality. Anal- expulsive occur when the parent are too lenient and fail to install the society's rules about bowel movement control, the child will derive pleasure and success from the expulsion. (Stages of Development, n.d.) Individuals with a fixation on this mode of gratification are excessively sloppy, disorganized, reckless, careless, and defiant. (Stages of Development, n.d.) The children will become not responsible and useless people to society.

The children will has the deviant behaviour stingy, withholding, obstinate, meticulous, conforming and passive-aggressive when they undergo the anal- retentive which the parent training the toilet training too early or too many punishment or pressure to them. (Stages of Development, n.d.) The children will difficult to get along with other because of the negative personality of them.

        Third stage also known as the Oedipus or Electra complexes. (Answer, n.d.) The children in this stage will begin to struggle with sexual desires toward the opposite sex parent such as Oedipus- boys to mother or Electra- girls to father. (Boundless, 2015) For man will become anxiety and guilty feelings about sex, fear of castration, and narcissistic personality. (Stages of Development, n.d.) For the women undergo this stage will maintain a sense of envy and inferiority. (Stages of Development, n.d.) A child may have a confused sexual identity or be sexually deviant. (Answer, n.d.)

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