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Change Management Questionnaire

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Essay title: Change Management Questionnaire

Change Management Questionnaire

Change management according to many becomes essential for the following reason: external pressure; which can encompass competition, new technology, cost, and regulation changes. Furthermore, economic and social conditions can escalate long-term change necessary. This paper will discuss several aspects of change management models, theories, and application thereof. In addition, it will provide overviews of the drivers of change, factors necessary for to implement change successfully, strategies and expectations of management, and leadership styles needed for influence and effectiveness.

Kurt Lewin’s three-phase model of change is described as unfreeze, move or change, and refreeze. In simplified terms of most application, this means to allow the current process and procedures less constraints, then to make the adjustments toward the new vision or processes and procedure, finally to put in place new constraints for the new processes and procedures (McShane, 2003.)

The Burke-Litwin Model of Organizational Performance and Change is based on the idea, which theorizes the need to explore organizational functioning and organizational change. This theory is brought to light by describing how performance is affected and how effective change takes place. Furthermore, both in terms of content that coincides with the processes emphasizing the transformational and transactional changes to be made are given a value. Additional breakdown include how transformational change occurs as a response to the external environment and its effects on the organizations mission and strategy, the leadership of the organization and its culture. In turn, the transactional factors are the affected-structure systems, management practices, and climate. In combination, both types of factors affect the motivation of employees, which would affect performance.

The Tichy Strategic Alignment Process focuses on strategic management areas and tools set up in a grid of three blocks across and three blocks down each in representation of a particular area which are as follows, managerial tools are horizontal, mission and strategy, organizational structure, and human resource management. The managerial areas are vertical being the technical system, political system and cultural system (Organizational Development Network, 2004.)

Several internal and external drivers have pushed Synergetic Solutions Inc., (SSI) in a direction to implement organizational change. To begin with there has been a stagnation of the systems integration market, industry standards for system building, selling and reselling and system networking solutions have made significant process improvements, and finally productivity and absenteeism are declining (Organizational Structure Simulation, 2004.) In application of the Lewin’s three-phase model because of these drivers of change, it is now time to unfreeze the current processes (McShane, S. 2002.) In the Burke-Litwin Model of Organizational Performance and Change theory, the application process has begun with the strategic initiatives by Harold Redd (CFO), implementation of growth targets, employee involvement in productivity and absenteeism and forays to networking solutions (George, H. 1992.) In application of Tichy Strategic Alignment Process model this aspect change falls under managerial tools and organizational structure with aligning the structure to the strategy (Sligo, F. 2001.)

For a successful change in strategy and implementation thereof, it is important for the leader of Synergetic to consider through openness, honesty and integrity, an environment of trust, comfort, and fairness will emerge, thus creating a harmonious organization (Weymens, 2003.) In my opinion, it is strategically important for the leaders of Synergetic to respect and acknowledge all involved, from educational background to skill sets, to accomplishments within the organization currently. This encourages employees to be motivated to increase performance and reduces the amount of resistance from employees. Communication with employees at all levels is key, even if the news is bad continually communicate again this makes the employee still feel s/he is valuable to the organization, reduces absenteeism and keeps them aware of the continued changes. Awareness to the strengths and weaknesses each individual as they will be the producers to attain any new goals or targets placed on them. Encourage feedback, even if it is not what you want to hear, everyone wants to feel his or her opinion really makes a difference and is heard. Expect resistance, not everyone is adaptable to change; changes may not work the first time and may need further adjustments. Facilitate organizational learning teach members of the staff what all the organizational processes (Bowers, T. 2004.)


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