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Industrial Revolution and Its Contribution to Modern Day Warfare

By:   •  Essay  •  306 Words  •  November 15, 2009  •  1,493 Views

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Essay title: Industrial Revolution and Its Contribution to Modern Day Warfare

Now that I have studied and become familiar with "Mobilizing a Nation for War," I understand that the industrial revolution greatly altered the nature of modern day warfare. With the continuing advancements in technology, war is no longer a glorious battle where strong soldiers and will power alone will earn a country victory.

In the wars prior to the First World War, soldiers fought with individual honor on the battlefield, often fighting in a confrontational sword battle. Industrialization allowed for massive production of goods, steel and weapons of war. The power of tanks ("iron horses"), poisonous gas, shells, machine guns and hundreds of kilograms of bombs made its first appearance and accounts for much of the manslaughter. Poor war tactics that were not revised to meet the technology of modern day warfare also led to the senseless death of millions of men.

Nonetheless, World War One would only mark the trend for the upward sprawl of technological advancements. In World War One, generals fought with "ancient" war tactics where they would command soldiers to charge in large "waves" to awaiting enemy machine guns. Learning from our mistakes in military strategies in the past, twenty-first century warfare now includes much

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