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Kudler Fine Foods

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Essay title: Kudler Fine Foods

Kudler Fine Foods

Kudler Fine Foods is an upscale gourmet market that was founded by Kathy Kudler in 1998 with the opening of the La Jolla store. Kathy is passionate about gourmet cooking and wanted to create a store that offered an extensive selection of the freshest ingredients at reasonable prices. They have a fresh bakery, fresh produce, a meat and seafood area, condiments, packaged foods, and specialty dairy products and cheeses. Anything the everyday shopper or gourmet chef could want. Kudler Fine Foods has become a success with stores in Del Mar and Encinitas. Ў§ We will provide this service because Ў§we shop the worldЎЁ for our products; purchase only the finest products; are highly selective in acquiring our team members; and will go to extensive lengths to insure that KudlerЎ¦s is the purveyor of choice for customers aspiring to purchase the finest epicurean delightsЎЁ (Kudler Fine Foods, 2005).

The mission and vision of Kudler Fine Foods is to provide their customers with the finest selection of the very best foods and wines so that their culinary visions can come true. The human resource strategy involves key decisions about the size and type of workforce to be acquired, trained, managed and retained. To establish personnel for positions Kudler Fine Foods is looking for men and women who take the time to understand the customerЎ¦s individual needs and then work to meet those needs with knowledge that is second to none.

Total quality management can help any type of business. To remain competitive in todayЎ¦s market quality is the key to success. Kudler Fine Foods needs to strive for quality and along with that will come customer satisfaction. A local grocery chain needs loyal customers to provide lasting financial success. These customers may be internal or external; they are all affected by the processes and services of Kudler Fine Foods.

Total quality management can be implemented providing management establishes a direction for Kudler Fine Foods. This direction should involve the purpose, mission, policies, strategy, priorities and goals of the organization. Kudler Fine Foods strives for quality in every department within the store and customer service. Management must stand behind quality to implement the basic belief within the organization.

Kudler is a small privately owned company with the potential to become a huge competitor. Quality begins with education; all of the employees of Kudler need proper training and instructions on how to accurately do their job. The employees need to be empowered to make continuous improvements. Empowerment of employees and proper training will lay the ground work to build teamwork within the organization.

Reasons to improve customer service:

„X A typical supermarket customer in the Southern California region spends an average of $65 a week on groceries, so the value of that customer over a 10-year period (adjusted for inflation) is $40,600.

„X Research on grocery shoppers (Progressive Grocer) has shown that 69% stop shopping at a particular store because they are dissatisfied with its service or employee attitudes. Rather than discussing the problem with a store manager or clerk, 98% of dissatisfied customers simply go to a competitor's store.

„X A customer who experiences a "moment of truth," or an unpleasant incident, will tell five to seven other people about it. This negative word of mouth is obviously

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