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Molson Acquisition into Brazil - Business Policy & Strategy

By:   •  Case Study  •  268 Words  •  November 9, 2009  •  1,262 Views

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Essay title: Molson Acquisition into Brazil - Business Policy & Strategy

Molson Acquisition into Brazil

Business Policy & Strategy

MBA 625


1. Executive Summary p. 3

2. Background Information p. 4

3. Analysis p. 5

3.1 External Analysis p. 5

3.2 Environment & Critical Success Factors p. 9

3.3 Internal Analysis & Molson SWOT p. 14

4. Critique of Strategy p. 24

4.1 Key Strategic Issues p. 24

4.2 Strategic Alternatives p. 27

4.3 Current Strategy p. 29

4.4 Evaluation of Opportunities p. 31

4.5 Evaluation of Risks p. 33

5. Implementation Plan p. 36

Appendix & References p. 48

1. Executive Summary

Molson is one of the 2 giant competitors on the monopolistic Canadian beer market. Due to shifts in the external environment (changing Canadian demographics, global trend towards consolidation, increase in microbrewery and imported beer consumption in Canada) and to internal pressures, the company decided to pursue

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