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Reconstruction Was a Complete Failure in Its Effort to Bring Equality to the Black Man, from 1865-1877.

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Essay title: Reconstruction Was a Complete Failure in Its Effort to Bring Equality to the Black Man, from 1865-1877.

Reconstruction was not a complete failure but a “radical & noble attempt” to bring equality to the black man. It took three options to bring about a decent change for the former slaves .To help fix the problem in 1865 congress created the Freedmen’s Bureau the first federal welfare system to provide food, clothing, confiscated land, and education. This idea was able to succeed in education; unfortunately it was ended in 1872.

Soon after Lincoln’s assassination President Johnson was sworn into office. He was considered the “wrong man, in the wrong place, at the wrong time”. He favored Lincoln’s 10% plan and let Southern states back into the economy, granted a large number of pardons and was “soft on the southern policy”. Black codes enforced labor contracts with blacks at low cost with no jury, no vote, and some not even leasing land.

Civil War amendments were a huge positive for blacks, laid foundation for the battle of equal rights in the 20th century which included the13th

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