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Text Lingos Applied to Other Communication Transactions Among the Selected College Students in Sisc

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Essay title: Text Lingos Applied to Other Communication Transactions Among the Selected College Students in Sisc






In Partial Fullfilment

of the Requirements for the Degree

Bachelor in Mass Communication


March 2006

Chapter I



Cellular phones or what we call cell phones are without doubt, one of the most booming developments in the history of telecommunication inventions. The numbers of mobile users are

continually growing each day. It has been the most favored means of communication for the people. Telecommunication companies keep on coming up with new ideas to improve the features of cell phones.

Some of the features of the cell phone that made a big impact on the consumers are, the inventions of built in cameras and videos in the cell phone. Taking pictures and videos with the use of cell phones, once again made the lives of the people more convenient.

Calling is one of the features offered in using a cell phone. Globe Telecom, one of the most growing telecom companies here in Philippines, came up with ten cents per second call. Its rival, Sun Cellular, also came up with unlimited calls that attracted several people to use their network. Smart, the long time competitor of Globe, tied up with PLDT in their former promo, ten pesos per call.

The cellphoneЎ¦s SMS or Short Message Service feature or texting, allows users to simply type in their messages through the mobile phoneЎ¦s keypad. Sending SMS, is the most widely

used feature all over the globe. It has been in the industry for quite some time now. Every human being that owns a cell phone is pretty much hooked up in texting.

There are a lot of reasons why people text each other. Some people just want to maintain social relationship with a person. Others text each other when they want to get in touch with a person and would not involve too much hassles; especially when they want it to be discrete. There are some people that use texting to keep their identities anonymous. Most of the time, texting is really used, when a person wants to communicate with another person that needs a reply immediately that does not cost much. It is the cheapest means of communication through a cell phone.

The telecommunication companies like Globe, Smart, and Sun Cellular are taking advantage of the peopleЎ¦s addiction to the use of cell phones. They also came up with unlimited texting, that made the consumers more dependent on it. Anywhere in the world, especially Philippines, people went gaga on texting. In todayЎ¦s era, text messaging is becoming a habit, people are now getting accustomed to it.

The large populations of the texters are the students; may it be high school or college. Over the time, a new way of grammar and spelling of words had evolved. This happens due to the shortened text messages for speed and convenience of the texter; vowels are usually removed. It is referred to as Ў§text lingo.ЎЁ Since the youth are the most pervasive users of this, they tend to grasp the content of the message easily.

Like any other phenomenon, it has its effect too. Certain effects will be discussed on this study.

The researcher is motivated to learn how the continuous use of cell phone affects the perception of the students, as regards to the language they use in communicating in oral and written form.

The researcher wishes to reveal the effect of texting that other people are not aware of. The use of text linogs are slowly penetrating into our lives that other people does not give high regards on whether it is causing negative or positive effect on our lives.

Statement of the Problem

The study will determine the effect of the text lingos when applied to other communication transactions taking place in the school of the selected college students in Southville International

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