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The Inhibitory Effect of the Chemical Agents Lysol, Bleach and Silver on the Growth of E. Coli and M.Luteus Bacteria

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Essay title: The Inhibitory Effect of the Chemical Agents Lysol, Bleach and Silver on the Growth of E. Coli and M.Luteus Bacteria

The Inhibitory Effect Of The Chemical Agents Lysol, Bleach And Silver On the Growth Of E. coli and M.luteus Bacteria


There are two different strains of domain Bacteria. There are gram negative and gram positive. Gram negative bacteria are more complex and they have an out membrane that contains lipopolysaccharides. Gram positive bacteria have a much simpler design and an outer shell that contains peptidoglycan. Gram negative bacteria is less susceptible to the effect of chemical agents thne gram negative because of their more complex structure. The purpose of this experiment is to see what chemical agents have an effect on the different strains of bacteria. This study is important because bacteria can be very dangerous and it is the cause of many diseases and sicknesses, and finding out what chemicals can fight off bacteria can be very beneficial to society. I believe that the Escherichia coli which is a gram negative bacteria will be more resistant to the effect of chemical agents more then the Micrococcus luteus which is a gram positive bacteria. I think this because of the fact that gram negative bacteria are more complex structure then gram positive which has a simpler call wall. For each chemical agent, i think that bleach will have the more inhibitory effect against the growth of bacteria because it is used as an all around cleaning supply and it is corrosive to the skin, Then I think Lysol will be the least efeective because it is just a simple cleaning agent.

Materials and Methods

We took six agar plates and we labelled two of them with control and two with the gram negative bacteria E. coli and the other two plates will be labelled with the gram positive bacteria M. Luteus. We spread the bacteria in the agar plates that are labelled and we put no bacteria in the control plates. The whole time we are using aseptic technique. Then we took eighteen paper dics and divided the them between the six agar plates. We dipped the paper discs accordingly into the three different chemical agents Lysol, bleach and silver. We set the dics into the agar plates with using sterile forceps. The whole time we are doing this process using the sterile technique. We then left the plates to sit

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