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Describe 3 Ways in Which a Dramatic Approach Can Be Used to Give Students a Deeper Understanding of a Social Studies Topic

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Describe 3 Ways in Which a Dramatic Approach Can Be Used to Give Students a Deeper Understanding of a Social Studies Topic

f g g gg g g g g g gg g g g g g g gg g g g Describe 3 ways in which a dramatic approach can be used to give students a deeper understanding of a social studies topic.

In teaching a social Studies topic on ‘workers in my community', the still pictures approach can be useful, in order for children to gain a deeper understanding. In using this approach skills in problem solving, critical thinking and analyzing will be developed.

Still pictures will be given with different workers in the community and the different problems that they are facing. In doing this the children will have the opportunity to identify the problem, by writing in words what they see. After they have written what was seen they will find different solutions and then find the write one to solve them. When the students participate on their own problem solving skill is enhanced. When students work independently with some guidance from the teacher, they can role play what was seen and this will help them to gain a deeper understanding of the topic.

Critical thinking skill is achieved through observing the still pictures carefully . this is done through tracking thoughts of the workers in the still pictures presented. When the students track the thoughts of the characters, it helps them to reflect and repeat what they have observed and understand. Through critical thinking the students gain a deeper knowledge about the responsibility of each workers and their importance in the community. The students will be more involved and can pretend in a role or roles to illustrate through drama what was seen.

If students are to gain a deeper understanding of workers in the community, they must be abl to analyse. Analytical skill are gained after carefully observing and criticizing the still pictures. The students will identify what the pictures represent in words by constructing sentences, find different parts of speech and different duties perform by the workers. Class discussion can be facilitated by the teacher and through drama in pairs, each student can play games through flash cards. This will hhelp them to be more knowledgeable about the different categories of workers.

Students will become future leaders or good human resource if the teacher uses the still pictures approach to help children gain a deeper understanding by; problem solving, critical thinking and analyzing.Describe 3 ways in which a dramatic approach can be used to give students a deeper understanding of a social studies topic.

In teaching a social Studies topic on ‘workers in my community', the still pictures approach can be useful, in order for children to gain a deeper understanding. In using this approach skills in problem solving, critical thinking and analyzing will be developed.

Still pictures will be given with different workers in the community and

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