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Staff Requirement and Level of Pay

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Staff Requirement and Level of Pay

Staff requirement and level of pay

Superior's pizza are plan to have four pizza chef (who in charge of everything related to kitchen, responsible for planning and directing pizza preparation, including menu planning), four pizza cook (who responsible for preparing and cooking variety of food and recipes, follow direction by chef, ensure that food properly portion controlled), four waitress (who responsible serve customer, handle cashier part, and keep dining area clean), ten delivery riders (who responsible delivery), twelve customer services representatives(CSR)(who handling order taking either through phone/internet, answers enquiry and complaint made by customer). Assume that Bob and Lloyd have limited resources, therefore they are undertake all management functions. Employees who work in Superior delivery pizza will work through two shifts (10am-4pm/4pm-10pm) which each employee will work only 6 hours a day. Therefore each employee will work only 42 hours per week. Those who work in kitchen will pay monthly basis, but waitress, delivery riders and CSR are paid through hourly rate.


As B&L are taking employees from

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