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Strategic Plan Analysis Paper

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Strategic Plan Analysis Paper

Total quality management has become a necessity in today’s society amongst businesses and consumers. Organization and consumers believe that quality is very important, and it will make or break an organization. Ensuring quality in products helps eliminate liability that would come from defective products, and it increases the rate of the returning consumer. Companies are liable if there products were made poorly, and if they cause a disaster from the use of their products. According to Achieving Quality through Continuous Improvements, it defines total quality management as:

Total Quality Management is a holistic business management methodology that aligns the activities of all employees in an organization with the common focus of customer satisfaction to be achieved through continuous improvement in the quality of all activities processes, goods and services (1998).

According to Wikipedia, it defines total quality management as:

A management strategy aimed at embedding awareness or quality in all organizational processes. TQM has been widely used in manufacturing, education, government and service industries, as well as NASA space and science programs. Total Quality provides an umbrella under which everyone in the organization can strive and create customer satisfaction. Total Quality is a people focused management system that aims at continual increase in customer satisfaction at continually lower real costs (2006).

Total Quality Management is the philosophy of managing organizations with a set of tools, policies and procedures that ensure quality production, or services. Total Quality Management is the future of management philosophies.

I currently work for a law enforcement agency that is Para-military. There are expectations and responsibilities that go into my organization. It follows the TQM philosophy. The company I will compare management styles with is Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart has adopted the TQM management style, and they place customers first.

Management Style Comparisons

The law enforcement organization is a very professional organization. Most law enforcement agencies have an intense hiring process, and required the applicants to be of the highest standards. In my law enforcement agency, I believe that we utilize total quality principles. As a law enforcement officer, we have to maintain certificates, and go through numerous hours of training, and re-training. We are required to pass some skills and knowledge exams with 100% accuracy. We are required to remain physically fit, and be able to respond to any call that is given to us. The policies and procedures set a standard for us to adhere to. The policies and procedures help guide us with procedures to most of the common calls that we respond to. We respond to many calls, where we rely on our training and experience to see us through the end of the call. The most important thing is that we make it home to our family every day.

Wal-Mart is committed to excellence, and the management style they have condones it. They provide great service and products at affordable prices. They strive to satisfy the customer. According to Wal-Mart, The corporate culture of Wal-Mart is one of the biggest contributing factors that make it one of the world's most admired companies. When Sam Walton founded the company, he instilled in his people and his business a belief system that is still very much in place today. From the three basic beliefs to the sundown rule, Wal-Mart respects their customers, associates and suppliers, and Wal-Mart strives to treat them as they want to be treated. In building and nurturing the internal and external relationships, as well as serving the communities where they are, Wal-Mart has helped build a better business committed to excellence (2006).

It seems that Law Enforcement share the same philosophies as Wal-Mart. A commitment to excellence, and striving to serve the public the best they can. The philosophy of treating others the way you would like to be treated is a mutual belief. Wal-Mart and Law Enforcement share the same attitude towards the people they serve.

Characteristics of TQM

Wal-Mart’s TQM characteristics are explained through their three basic beliefs, which are respect the Individual, service to the customers, and to strive for excellence. Wal-Mart feels that the people make a difference, so they are committed to the consumers. The consumers are ultimately what will make or break the company, so Wal-Mart strives to offer quality products at reasonable prices. Wal-Mart also strives for excellence with new ideas and goals to help make Wal-Mart more successful than ever before.

Law Enforcement shares some of the same characteristics that Wal-Mart has. Law Enforcement is committed to providing the

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