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The High-Wire Act of Buliding Sustainable Partnerships

By:   •  Essay  •  291 Words  •  April 20, 2011  •  1,318 Views

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The High-Wire Act of Buliding Sustainable Partnerships

2- Cytotoxic t cell: A substance having a specific poisonous or toxic effect on certain cells. Also, a T cell that usually bears CD8 molecular markers on its surface and that functions in cell-mediated immunity by destroying a cell (as a virus-infected cell) having a specific antigenic molecule on its surface.

I selected this word because I found it important because is Cytotoxic t cell a type of white blood cell that kill cell infected with a specific virus or pathogens.

3- Prions: any of various infectious proteins that are abnormal forms of normal cellular proteins, that proliferate by inducing the normal protein to convert to the abnormal form, and that in mammals include pathogenic forms which arise sporadically, as a result of genetic mutation, or by transmission (as by ingestion of infected tissue) and which upon accumulation in the brain cause a prion disease.

2- Cytotoxic t cell: A substance having a specific poisonous or toxic effect on certain cells. Also, a T cell that usually bears CD8 molecular markers on its surface and that functions in cell-mediated

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