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The Influences of Cultural Factor on Film Translations

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The Influences of Cultural Factor on Film Translations

The influences of Cultural factor on film translations


Thesis Statement: Difference in eastern western culture causes a thing different in value orientation, Translation of a work of a movie gets a way of direct translation, and, it's possible to admit for an audience. It needs to change the Culture in the movie.

?. Introduction: China's movie translation enterprise has passed through more than 50 year magnificent course, Movie translator offered many outstanding translated movies to the mass audiences. Through these outstanding translated movies, the audience while understood foreign land local conditions and social customs also to feel the language infinite charm, many splendid dialogues have become the beautiful line which struggled is on everybody's lips. If "there will be bread. All would have. " (the former Soviet Union film "Lenin in 1918") has inspired generations of adversity live audience in China . Evidently, the film as the mass media, its social effects are incalculable. However, in academic fields, Because of the impact of secular bias, the film is certainly very cold : Translation Studies, Translation Studies seem to completely ignore this area for the. To this end, China's famous scholars Television translation Professor Qian Shao wrote that Television translation of the translation is far less atte


on to literary translation. This translation of the Television disproportionate role in the community. This phenomenon frequently This should arouse the attention of the translation industry.

?. Language and culture

The language is a country culture carrier, reflects this country's the political economy, the material culture, the religious belief, the manners and customs and so on. The language is different, the thinking mode, the behavior way as well as the language expression way is also different.

This shows that the translation is not as simple as it is not only doing language, in which it stresses culture in the story.

?.Cultural reconstruction

The movie translation namely has the general character with other literary work translation also to have its own particularity. Same is all is expresses in the thought with the language art, different is the movie translation needs simultaneously to achieve manifests in the writing, forms in the sound, expresses in the audience.

?. The culture touches up

Strictly speaking, the translation of a film like filling a word, thinking the contents can not be altered. Each expression has the "style Melody" has also been strictly limited. If translator neglected "I type" of the law, regardless of the words "priorities", said the mayor short, "meaning the right can be," Well, the voice-over : guns, then there will be the following

?. Conclusion : The choice of film translation modes largely contributes to the reception of a source language film in a target culture. The influences of culture factor are leading.

the influences of objective factors on film translations

Abstract: Difference in eastern western culture causes a thing different in value orientation,Translation of a work of a movie gets a way of direct translation, and, it's possible to admit for an audience. It's need to changed the Culture in the movie.

Key word: Translation of a movie Culture gap

China's movie translation enterprise has passed through more than 50 year magnificent course, Movie translator offered many outstanding translated movies to the mass audiences. Through these outstanding translated movies, the audience while understood foreign land local conditions and social customs also to feel the language infinite charm, many splendid dialogues have become the beautiful line which struggled is on everybody's lips. If "there will be bread. All would have. " (the former Soviet Union film "Lenin in 1918") has inspired generations of adversity live audience in China . Evidently, the film as the mass media, its social effects are incalculable. However, in academic fields, Because of the impact of secular bias, the film is certainly very cold : Translation Studies, Translation Studies seem to completely ignore this area for the. To this end, China's famous scholars Television translation Professor Qian Shao wrote that Television translation of the translation is far less attention to literary


anslation. This translation of the Television disproportionate role

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