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User Andrey (andrey1985)

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Name: Andrey Birth Date: December 1, 1985
City: *** Last Visit: March 13, 2022
Country: Portugal Joined: April 18, 2010


Date Title Words Pages Views Rating
January 23, 2011 Market Segmentation 2,343 10 2,571
July 13, 2010 Ancient Egypt - Its Rise and Fall 1,817 8 2,916
July 13, 2010 Ancient Roman Politics 1,669 7 2,291
July 13, 2010 Sparta and Athens: Comparison and Contributions 735 3 2,577
July 13, 2010 Hades, God of the Underworld 650 3 2,421
July 13, 2010 Character Analysis of Oedipus the King 878 4 2,589
July 13, 2010 The Versailles Treaty 1,904 8 1,876
July 13, 2010 Pre-World War II Germany and What Led to Holocaust 4,249 17 2,331
July 13, 2010 Research Paper on the Holocaust 1,590 7 1,586
July 13, 2010 Effects of the Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki 2,117 9 2,161
July 13, 2010 Causes of World War II 1,996 8 1,592
July 13, 2010 Adolf Hitler's Rise to Power 330 2 1,646
July 13, 2010 Adolf Hitler and World War II 801 4 1,919
July 13, 2010 Victorian Morals, Values, and Ideals 1,440 6 3,018
July 13, 2010 Why Did the Weimar Republic Face Political Problems in the First Few Years of Its Existence - 1919-1923? 1,713 7 2,653
July 13, 2010 The Fall of the Western Roman Empire 1,521 7 1,484
July 13, 2010 Social and Economic Effects of Black Death on Europe 3,938 16 1,962
July 13, 2010 Racism & Social Darwinism in Reguards to Imperialism 1,344 6 1,950
July 13, 2010 Puritanism in the 17th Century and the First Great Awakening 666 3 2,432
July 13, 2010 How Nationalism in Balkans Contributed to First World War 808 4 1,658
July 13, 2010 Germany and Italy - the Struggle for Unification 819 4 2,496
July 13, 2010 Effects of European Exploration on American Indians 939 4 1,763
July 13, 2010 Causes of the Great War 691 3 1,439
July 13, 2010 Causes of the French Revolution of 1789 1,162 5 3,545
July 13, 2010 British History of the Industrial Revolution 2,062 9 2,663
July 13, 2010 Black Plague - Death Among Millions 510 3 1,295
July 13, 2010 A History of Black Death and Its Effects on Western Europe 1,835 8 2,356
July 13, 2010 Why the North Won the Civil War "you Are Bound to Fail" 2,757 12 1,641
July 13, 2010 The Failure of Southern Civil War Reconstruction 619 3 1,810
July 13, 2010 Famous People of the Civil War 2,413 10 2,363
July 13, 2010 Book Syntesis of "fires of Jubilee" Nate Turners 2,140 9 1,980
July 13, 2010 Causes of the Revolutionary War 817 4 2,149
July 13, 2010 The Federalists Vs. the Anti-Federalists 857 4 2,215
July 13, 2010 How England Instigated the Revolutionary War 1,941 8 1,628
July 13, 2010 The Revolutionary War 348 2 1,751
July 13, 2010 Was the American Revolution Inevitable? 399 2 2,369
July 13, 2010 Andy Warhol Biography 1,897 8 1,594
July 13, 2010 Life and Accomplishments of Gaius Julius Caesar 705 3 2,874
July 13, 2010 Kobe Bryant Biography 694 3 3,442
July 13, 2010 Deion Sanders Biography 1,486 6 1,980
July 13, 2010 Matthias Schleiden - Cells 941 4 3,185
July 13, 2010 Free Market Vs Command Economy - Polandland Transition Eco 1,504 7 2,520
July 13, 2010 Economic Growth Vs Economic Development 884 4 3,093
July 13, 2010 The Minimum Wage and Why We Should Leave It Alone 710 3 2,125