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Minecraft Essay

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Minecraft has many unique parts to the game. The game could be divided into three parts, the hardcore pvper’s, the intelligent redstoner’s and the peaceful builders. Minecraft is a game based upon blocks, but that’s the basic story about this game. Within this game is something unique, something creative and possibly one of the top games of this generation. Mojang was the creator of this game and many others, but Microsoft had bought it for $2.5 Billion dollars in September of 2014. Minecraft was Microsoft’s survival, it helped out in the stock market, ratings and profit.

The hardcore pvper’s are a fraction of the community in Minecraft. Pvper’s have a different set of mind, its winning. They have a different perspective of playing the game. Some are heartless and have no honor in kills while some are fair about them and fight honorably. Many people wouldn’t care about losing, but to hardcore pvper’s they would give a crap, and look to better themselves. They would try out new ways of “strafing” strafing is circling your opponent while damaging them, at the same time to avoid being damaged. They would reassemble their inventory, to give them the quickest possible way of defeating their opponent. Many pvper’s use rods, “Flint n steals” and bows other than their sword. They use their rod to knock back their opponent to get a combo, a use of a “flint n steal” is to place a flame on the ground and try to get them on fire to make them lose hearts, and a bow of course you use it at a distant shooting the player.

Intelligent Redstoners are players that work with a type of mechanism, that activates or makes cool patterns, or even effects. Redstoners make mini games, new maps, horror maps etc. They often make machines to kill you or

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