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World War II in 1939

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World War II in 1939 happened for many reasons. I feel that appeasement was one of the biggest reasons. This is because of collective security, all these countries wanted was collective security. This put off the war. Appeasement got these countries nothing and nowhere.

There were reasons like Hitler defying the Versailles Treaty, Japan invading Manchuria and Mussolini’s attack on Ethiopia. When Hitler defied the Treaty of Versailles he did because of many things, but this treaty limited the size of Germany's army. On March 1935, the Fuhrer announced that Germany would no longer be okay with these restrictions. The League of Nations did nothing so that let Hitler do riskier things. On March 7, 1936, German troops moved into Rhineland. France was very shocked that Germany made this decision. They did not want to risk war though.

Another reason that cause WWII was Mussolini’s attack on Ethiopia. The Ethiopians had already tried to resist an attack from them in 1890. To get revenge Mussolini arranged an attack on Ethiopia

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