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Wrt227 Chapter4 Exercise#6

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Manqing Zheng (Carrie)

WRT227 / 0004

Date (February 13th , 2016)

Chapter 3 Exercise # (9)

Original sentence: Local markets are opening to worldwide competition as business of all sizes look for new growth opportunities outside their own countries.


Los mercados locales se están abriendo a la competencia en todo el mundo como los negocios de todos los tamaños buscar nuevas oportunidades de crecimiento fuera de sus propios países.


Local markets are opening up to competition throughout the world as businesses of all sizes seek new growth opportunities outside their own countries




The local market is open to competition in the world, because businesses of all sizes to find new growth opportunities outside their own country.


Les marchés locaux sont ouverture à la concurrence dans le monde entier comme entreprises de toutes tailles recherchent de nouvelles opportunités en dehors de leur propre pays de croissance.


Local markets are open to competition in the world as companies of all sizes are looking for new opportunities outside their own country growth.

After translated into Spanish, French, and Chinese, then back translated into English, the sentence seems a little different but the whole meaning is the same as before. Compared to the original sentence, there just a little difference of words change.

Automated translation service is useful for international correspondence even it sometime makes a little grammar mistake or writes confused words. People can modify it on the basis of machine translation. Since the human translation is expensive, it takes time and it is usually unavailable when it is needed for communicating quickly and cheaply with people with whom we do not share a common language.  There are also the obvious political reasons deriving from the ideal of a multi-lingual, multi-cultural society, an ideal which, in its turn, results in its commercial importance.

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