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Education Through the Years

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         High school is sometimes considered to be a very boring and dragging four year of school. Instead, for me, it has been the total opposite. Even with all the mischief I have found myself in, my high school years have been everything I wanted them to be. As a freshman in high school I found was overly excited about high school. I felt a sense that I was wanted, and that I belonged. My sophomore year was just as exciting. I opened up to people more instead of being very unsociable. When I became a junior in high school, I was going to become more involved in my school since I only have two years left. I am now a part of the Anchor club and spend a lot of my time with Friends Helping Friends. Although I am still the same shy person I used to be, I can`t wait to see what my senior year has in store for me.  

        Going to a school I have realized there are major issues that need to be changed. One being the dress code and how it is looked at. There is a great deal of confusion about what is considered legal or illegal according to the dress code. Students’ getting cheated out of class time is the detrimental result of this confusion.

 I feel our administration places to much emphasis on the specifics of the dress code and forces students to miss important education. Is an extra inch of material more important than a quiz that the student is required to take? To help solve this problem, I suggest creating a “fashion patrol,” which could be made up of teacher that do not have any other duty. These teachers would know exactly what the dress code entails, and what they need to look for when determining if clothing is legal or illegal. These particular teacher would stand in front of all the main doors and watch for illegal clothing. This will give the students time in the morning to change clothes. As a result, student will not have to miss class time.

Another big issue in my high school is the amount of people that don’t take school seriously. Since I was a freshman I have noticed there has always been a group of people in a crowd that just could care less. They have no respect for the teacher, or respect for the teens that are trying to learn. They love to play a “he said, she said” game, that usually results in fights. What happens after a fight? Administration have to waste their time, they could use to be getting other things done, trying to take care of immature people. Don’t get me wrong our school system is not a great system, but you should have enough respect for yourself to take it seriously and get the job done.

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