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English Essay: The Kite Runner

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English Essay-

Hosseini presents religious views in 'The Kite Runner' in many different ways. You first hear about religious views in chapter 2 when it talks about Sanaubar (Ali's wife) ran away from home when she gave birth to Hassan. It says 'Lost her to a fate most Afghans considered far worse than death: she ran off with a clan of traveling singers and dancers' this seems quite religious because it shows what the views are on women and that death is more respectful towards a marriage. when it says 'Lost her to a fate' it's saying that to everyone else she is dead which shows that women are supposed to be respectful towards their husbands.

There was an incident between a group of soldiers and Hassan.  Hassan and Amir were walking through a field and a group of soldiers were hanging around, one of them obviously recognised Hassan. 'You! The Hazara! Look at me when I'm talking to you!' one of the soldiers said to Hassan which shows the different religious views. He doesn't talk to him as one person but as a Hazara in general. The soldier called Hassan and Hazara (which is his ethnicity) which shows that the soldier thinks that he is of higher command and more important than a Hazara because he's a Pashtun.

Mullah Fatuillah Khan was a teacher to Amir 'He lectured us about the virtues of zakat and the duty of hadj; he taught us the intricacies of performing the five daily namaz prayers, and made us memorise verses from the Koran' shows me how important religion is to Islamic people as they have to go through all these prayers and duties. The word 'virtue' tells me they should be proud that they are who they are and that it is very important to do zakat and hadj. Mullah also says 'Islam considered drinking a terrible sin' which contrasts to what Baba believes because Baba drinks every night. It says that Amir asked Baba about this and Baba said things like 'I see you've confused what you're learning in school with actual education' and then he insults Mullah by saying 'You'll never learn anything of value from those bearded idiots' and 'Piss on the beards of all those self-righteous monkeys'. Baba then tells Amir his beliefs 'there is only one sin, only one. And that is theft' He tells Amir about how anything could be theft, killing someone would be stealing a life and so on.

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